Teenage Guinea Pig
Hi - I'm going to be attempting a bonding between two boars. I've read and re-read the guides but I have a question or two... My recently bereaved boar Stanley is about 5 and a half and living in his usual cage in one room upstairs. My newly acquired and also recently bereaved boar George is approx 3 years old and living in quarantine in the holiday pen in another room upstairs. I've had him 9 days. George is off for a health check at the vets on Wednesday and then hopefully the bonding will happen this coming weekend. I don't think either of them have realised that they aren't the only guinea pig in the house. I will be putting together a bonding pen downstairs in the lounge but I'm in two minds as to whether to put a divider in it to start with or not. On the one hand having a divider will mean their first encounter with each other can perhaps start more gradually and I can see how they interact first on either side of the bars, before removing them. But on the other hand, would it mean they each consider their side of the divider their own territory and lead to problems when I remove the divider? Also if I started with a divider I would need two water bowls, when the divider was removed would there be problems about ownership of water bowls? If I start by putting them both in the bonding pen together with no divider, would I only need one water bowl or two to avoid possible conflict?