Chris Punter
New Born Pup
I've just purchased to sows one is a 14 month Peruvian and the other Peruvian cross aged about 14 weeks.They came from the same breeder who was great and gave me good advice.She said the two had never lived together and was not sure how they would get on.They seem fine although they tend to stay apart most of the time.Ive had them 2 days so I know it will take time for them to settle and adjust.The young cross is very nervous.Today I put them in the run and they seemed fine until I had to get them out.The Peruvian I caught ok and sat her on my lap and combed her well.So calm.I then had difficulty catching the other.I know she's young but she was terrified squeaking highly and running all over to escape.Distressing for her and me.Please,what can,should I do.I know I have to handle her as much as possible of which we will do.Will they be ok together or sometimes to you have to move in new pigs?