Distance-learning for guinea pigs


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 15, 2019
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It's just too grim for my daughters (together with millions of other children) to have to spend the best part of 24 hours alone in their rooms, either online-learning or sleeping. So, as we had to get internet into the shed for the security cams (to keep an eye on the piggies), they've now set up a rota and take turns to work in there. The shed had been converted into my study long ago (without internet) but the piggies chucked me and my desk out soon after their arrival. Now their run has been made slightly smaller to fit in a little round table. I don't think it is very comfortable but whereas my younger used to scowl at me and hiss, I'm on a google meet, when I would pop my head around her bedroom door, this morning in the shed she looked up and smiled whilst mouthing it. And the piggies have been joining in, wheeking their way loudly through a meet yesterday 😄

Distance-learning 2 Feb '21 C.jpg
This is such a fabulous idea! I would definitely set something similar up if mine lived in a shed :D I'm glad it's made their home learning easier!
This is such a fabulous idea! I would definitely set something similar up if mine lived in a shed :D I'm glad it's made their home learning easier!
It was their idea and they've split their time in there equally (unusual not to argue) :nod: My elder packed her school bag yesterday morning before going off to the shed, as if she were going to school ... I don't think they are supposed to have the meets in their bedrooms anyway, but where else can they go? (We don't have the space downstairs and so they do put a google-meet background to hide their rooms.) So now they're working to the accompaniment of wheeks and rattly loud drinking! (Ophelia drinks so much -- it is as though it is her go-to activity when bored. What shall I do now? I've done a stint of eating hay. Oh, I know, I can trot off to have another drink.) I should think the piggies really like the company as well 🙂
I think pets "in class" and "in the office" is the one big perk of online learning and working!
I always encourage my students to bring their pets and their children if they have any to my live online classes, and today at 3pm Jezzy floof will be helping me to teach Basic Principles in Neurobiology :)
Because let's face it, who would come to Neurobiology without the promise of a guinea pig?! I think I will do a pop quiz and let them watch Jezzy eat a coriander stem for every correct answer :)
I think pets "in class" and "in the office" is the one big perk of online learning and working!
I always encourage my students to bring their pets and their children if they have any to my live online classes, and today at 3pm Jezzy floof will be helping me to teach Basic Principles in Neurobiology :)
Because let's face it, who would come to Neurobiology without the promise of a guinea pig?! I think I will do a pop quiz and let them watch Jezzy eat a coriander stem for every correct answer :)
... is that every correct answer that Jezzy gets?! You have super-educated guinea pigs as does @Bradshaw Piggies !
Because let's face it, who would come to Neurobiology without the promise of a guinea pig?! I think I will do a pop quiz and let them watch Jezzy eat a coriander stem for every correct answer :)
I’d come, sounds very interesting to me! :hmm::)) And a bit of beautiful Jezzy floof always extra good too! :D:love:
My daughter said she can see teacher's pets on the camera or barking in the background 😂 apparently it makes it more interesting!
We were thinking of setting her up in the spare room as it had best desktop, but also houses 4 pigs. And one is REALLY loud 24/7! So we settled for her bedroom and her cat stays with her 9-3 😂