Disposing Of Pig Poos

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 10, 2009
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Ho do you dispose of your pig poops ?
l have a green bin that l put gp poo, wast hay ect (all compostebal, in line with the local aurthoritis guidlins)
the problen is sometimes , the bin men do not seem to like the ldea of of emptying my bin ?
its not like it is dog poo, or human baby nappy poo.
i dosnt smell, and pound for pound it weighs the same as grass cuttins ect.
They havent resused to empty the bin, but it is a constant bother that they will refuse to take it.l
could start a compost heap , but l am concered it will atract rats!

what would you do ? leave a 5 pound tip under the bin ?Phone and complain about them and risk animoserty?
All my hutch waste goes in my green garden wheelybin, my local council even gave me a second green bin. ;)
We're composting it and using as mulch, too. However, our area is largely rat-free (happily!). That is, we haven't seen a common rat for the past 3 years, right since the switch to zero protein waste in compost...

There are largely rat-proof compost bins, though, if the Internet be trusted.
How long dos it take to break down to usebale compost?
Dogs Lol, have two of those, it amases me why they eat them ?
We put all our piggie waste from cage in green bin, it gets covered with the grass.

I do have a plan of building a steampunk style airship powered by piggy poop however.... :)
My council told me that they would not take the poo's and dirty hay if I put them in the green bin. However my next door neighbours said that they take the chickens waste so juts put mine in. I have been putting it out every 2 weeks and they have always taken it.
Most of mine goes in my compost bins but some poops go directly onto the flower beds, amazingly good little dry plant food pellets.

On a less serious note, we have been thinking up ways of marketing bags of it for compost. OH thinks we should make bead necklaces, he thinks the red ones after beetroot should be particularly popular. Amazing the stories you make up when you don't have TV!
Most of mine goes in my compost bins but some poops go directly onto the flower beds, amazingly good little dry plant food pellets.

On a less serious note, we have been thinking up ways of marketing bags of it for compost. OH thinks we should make bead necklaces, he thinks the red ones after beetroot should be particularly popular. Amazing the stories you make up when you don't have TV!
I would probably buy one of those XD Pig poop jewellery - the next craze!
What a great idea, my old mom would love one of those :lol!:m
My council doesn't like taking away the poops from the green bin, either. So I just put hedge clippings or lawn mower clipping over the top. They've either not noticed or just haven't said anything yet. I even use my neighbors green bin! I have to put it in the black bin when the green one is full. We do have a compost heap and I put little amounts of poop & hay in there, but with the amount of waste I have, it would overflow very quickly :S
we dont even get council pick up, we put ours on the lawn or in the wind break, or in the back of one of the gardens, but then we have a property, and alot of gardens
We bag ours and put it in the communal rubbish area that the guys collect and skip every day. Joys of living on a caravan park! I shake all the beds and sacks over the flower beds, herbs and fruit plants, it's awesome fertiliser!
The dogs do scoff as much as they can... it saves hoovering after floortime anyway! xx
I don't have my piggies yet but the waste from my chickens I put in a bucket (or two!) and take up to the garden waste skip at the recycling centre and once the piggies arrive I will be doing the same. It went in the compost bin at first but I filled it in a matter of weeks!
@gizzy if it is a green garden waste bin then they should take it. I live in Swindon and on the council website it says you can dispose of sawdust, hay and herbivore waste droppings. I don't know if it's different for different boroughs? If it's the same then just report that your bin has not been collected.
I to do a special trip to the local council tip once a week to get rid of mine - as I have 5 pigs who i have to clean out daily.
We pay for a green bin collection from our council but the guidelines clearly state that no animal waste is to be put in it. We put it in the compost or bag it up for the black bin and put it in with the normal waste.
Hi, Winnie Pig, the council in liverpool isn't the problem , l phoned them and explained my situation that l am a gp haven and that l will have a lot of pig poop
And the are ok with it, its the binmen that grumble if the bin is more than half full with pig poo,
Hi, Winnie Pig, the council in liverpool isn't the problem , l phoned them and explained my situation that l am a gp haven and that l will have a lot of pig poop
And the are ok with it, its the binmen that grumble if the bin is more than half full with pig poo,

Sounds like they just need to get over it!
I think the problem is the council is scaird of the unions , you only have say boo to the
Bin men and they strike, it has crippled the city a few times .
I think a lot of areas will take Guinea pig and other little herbivorous animals waste in the green bin, even though they write "no animal waste" on the rules to make sure people don't put carnivorous animal poo in.

Thats certainly how its worked in other areas I've lived - just hoping this council are the same as my green bin is filling up with shavings, hay and general piggy waste.
Either the 2 dogs scoff them or I put it in the bin with all the other rubbish.. Never had a problem
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