Disguising guinea pigs for cats/rabbits for travel


New Born Pup
Jul 7, 2024
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i know this a very stupid idea but i checked with every possible airline that goes from us to canada and aside from frontier, who doesnt fly to canada, I'm out of luck. the guinea pigs would have to go in the cargo, unless i try to play them off as baby bunnies or cats. apparently most travel personnel dont give as much as a glance towards your animals, and most dont know what a guinea pig is and mistake it for a rabbit or cat. this is the last thing i can think of, if not I'm forced to put them in cargo and risk them even more. i just want some thoughts, opinions, similar experiences? the only thing that worried me is they find out they're not the animal i say it is and they take them away
apparently most travel personnel dont give as much as a glance towards your animals

the only thing that worried me is they find out they're not the animal i say it is and they take them away

The key word here is "most". You don't know who you're going to be dealing with, and "most" isn't good enough for the risks involved, for the safety of the pigs and tbh, for your own safety. Unless you can 100% guarantee nobody will work it out then you're risking the safety of your pets more than you would be by putting them in the cargo hold, and you can't guarantee it. You know that already.

You already know it's a bad idea, so let me reiterate it - it's a terrible Idea. Don't do it.
And the forum certainly can’t condone or advise you about committing this act.

It is rather the case that with most airlines these days they will have to go in cargo.

There are a few threads on the forum about transatlantic air travel but for a lot we never get an update to how the journey went, plus given the rules change so often we aren’t able to keep up with them.
There some threads we did get an update on and they seem to come back that the animals are taken over by a separate transporting company (usually rather expensive).