New Born Pup
Two of our guinea pigs escaped into the garden during the night last week. They’re fine and back in their hutch now, one of them has a cut above his nose, which I have bathed and it’s healing fine. However, part of the side of his face, near where the whiskers grow out from, is wet and sticky - it’s clear, and slightly smelly. He won’t let me touch it, but there doesn’t seem to be anything around it. What could this be?
Two of our guinea pigs escaped into the garden during the night last week. They’re fine and back in their hutch now, one of them has a cut above his nose, which I have bathed and it’s healing fine. However, part of the side of his face, near where the whiskers grow out from, is wet and sticky - it’s clear, and slightly smelly. He won’t let me touch it, but there doesn’t seem to be anything around it. What could this be?