Thank you for adding the necessary background information. If it is a question on an ongoing case, then please pick up the original thread via the Find Thread/Your thread button by the top bar on the home page to keep all relevant information on the same ongoing case together for better support over longer periods.
We are all doing this for free in our own free time (as we have it), so none of us will ever read everything or can be expected to remember the exact circumstances from days or weeks back in view of the number of different threads we jump in between whenever we are on here.
Unlike social media, we do not rely on generating lots of new posts and can keep any support threads going for as long as needed.
The milky liquid is cleaning fluid. Please keep in mind that nasal cavities and ears are all connected so that a sensitivity in the ear while it is healing can easily trigger a reaction like an eye clean (in a human, your eye would water).
PS: I did ask in my first post whether your piggy was on oral or topical chloramphenicol.