Disabled & chronic fatigue with 4 guinea pigs


New Born Pup
Feb 23, 2025
Reaction score
Hey everyone! I have had 4 beautiful piggies for about 18 months now, and they're my everything. Unfotunately I've become quite unwell with conditions that won't resolve and that makes caring for them quite hard. Some days are hard to get out of bed, and due to not working, financials are tough and will continue to be until may when I can get on a payment. My parents are pushing at me rehoming because they can see that I'm stressed, but I really don't want to unless there comes a time where I cannot provide for them even at my own expense.

Just wondering if anyone had anyone had any ideas that might make looking after my babies a bit easier, or cheaper. I am thinking about getting a friend to help me sew cage liners so there is less linen to worry about, and maybe get a heavy duty air purifier in may once I can afford one, to keep on top of the dust.

Any ideas at all will be so incredibly greatly appreciated. I appreciate you all <3
I hope you can get to keep your piggies, they must be a comfort to you. Perhaps there is a charity that would help disabled people care for their pets near you. I hope things work out.
Hi firstly I'm so sorry for the situation you are in Please don't answer anything you don't want to but what do you find most difficult cleaning them out? Also what restrictions does your illness cause you? Do you have girls or boys and do they live together?🤔