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Dirty Belly/bladder Problems


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 21, 2018
Reaction score
Dear all,

I have a question for my sweet guinea pig Nala. She is 5 years old and has been diagnosed with bladder cancer that has spread to her lung and bones. She had a history with frequent urinary tract infections, sludge and bladder stones since she was 8 weeks old. 4 weeks ago she had a x-ray and she had so much sludge in her bladder that chirurgy was needed. When she was not healing very well, i went back to the vet and we saw what looks like cancer on the x-ray.
My pig has no idea she is so sick, since she is still happy, running around and eating bits (less then what she used to eat, so she is losing weight) so i dont want to put her to sleep yet. Since two weeks she has a lot of pain while urinating, squeking very high and it really stinks as well. The urine is sticking to her skin as well, so around the anus it is all green and painfull. I tried to clean her with water, but it does not go away anymore.

Does anyone has any tips on how to clean it?
My vet refuses to give antibiotics (she is on painkillers), so is there anything i can do about her pain and stinking urine?

She is already on a low calcium diet, with special food (0.5% calcium) and mostly hay and low calcium veggies. I also give mineral water with low calcium. I started with some herbal pills yesterday for pigs with urinary problems. I know i have to put her to sleep in the near future, but i hope there is anything i can do now. I would break my heart to put her to sleep when she is still eating bits and enjoying life.
Hi. Ahhh Nala sounds lovely & I’m so glad she’s still running around. So sorry I’m not experienced enough to advise you with this as I have no idea. But I want to send you hugs & healing vibes xx :love:
Hi. Ahhh Nala sounds lovely & I’m so glad she’s still running around. So sorry I’m not experienced enough to advise you with this as I have no idea. But I want to send you hugs & healing vibes xx :love:
Thank you ! I really hope there is a solution, I'm already very sad that she is not going to be with me in a few weeks.. i want to make her as comfortable as possible untill she has to much pain
Can the vet give any increase in the painkillers or add in an additional one? I appreciate that there is only limited time with this little one, so I think I would ask the vet for more painkillers if she is squeaking.
If water isn’t getting her clean have you tried any small animal shampoo? I’m not sure which country you are in but Johnson’s small animal shampoo is gentle and safe.
Can the vet give any increase in the painkillers or add in an additional one? I appreciate that there is only limited time with this little one, so I think I would ask the vet for more painkillers if she is squeaking.
If water isn’t getting her clean have you tried any small animal shampoo? I’m not sure which country you are in but Johnson’s small animal shampoo is gentle and safe.
I do have a small animal shampoo from beaphar (i live in the netherlands, so i only found this one on the internet), but i was not sure if that would be safe for her irritated skin. Her hair has not grown back since the operation. I will call the vet again for additional painkillers. Thank for the advice!
I do have a small animal shampoo from beaphar (i live in the netherlands, so i only found this one on the internet), but i was not sure if that would be safe for her irritated skin. Her hair has not grown back since the operation. I will call the vet again for additional painkillers. Thank for the advice!

If you are concerned about her skin ask the vet for a recommendation for a shampoo. My vets will sometimes recommend hibiscrub well diluted to help clean the skin. Good luck x