

Forum Donator 2022/23
May 21, 2020
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Bought the boys some Dill yesterday, they love it as with every herb (clearly have a very refined pallet)
My question is how often can I feed it?
Why is everything yummy bad for them. 🤦🏻‍♀️ . I’m also confused with the once a week advice. Should you feed for example dill on Monday, parsley on Tuesday, kale on Wednesday OR does it mean dill on Monday and then nothing else high in calcium that whole week? Thanks.
I’m growing dill for my lot atm, they all love it!
I think if you give dill on Monday that’s it for high calcium foods for another week @weepweeps, that’s what I do anyway! But I’m a bit of a strict mummy! Cleo only had her first taste of kale yesterday and she’s been here six months! :xd:
I’m strict too! I don’t really give them anything other than the safe daily veg. Also if I do buy a bag of kale or spinach and they can only have it once it’s a waste anyway. Thanks for clarifying this for me.
Yeah these very naughty things are definitely rare treats, they get plenty of the not so not naughty stuff so it’s not like they’re deprived either! The only reason they got a bit of that is because I got it in a salad bag for myself and mini Cleo was giving me those cute, ‘I’m so starving’ eyes! :)):doh:
Why is everything yummy bad for them. 🤦🏻‍♀️ . I’m also confused with the once a week advice. Should you feed for example dill on Monday, parsley on Tuesday, kale on Wednesday OR does it mean dill on Monday and then nothing else high in calcium that whole week? Thanks.

one high calcium item a week - so dill or kale or parsley on Monday and then nothing else all week.
Mine always loved dill. They got a small taste of it when I had my elderly rabbits who became fussy with food and so I used to allow dill a lot as it was something they always would eat and then usually would kick start their appetite for other foods and hay.
Don’t really get it much anymore, it’s a very rare treat but it’s always devoured!
If I don't serve coriander every night with veg Meg goes running around looking for it in all the usual places (I scatter feed veg) and then I feel a mean Mummy Slave! I am going to plant coriander seeds in the next few days (I meant to do it last week but ran out of time!:doh:)
If I don't serve coriander every night with veg Meg goes running around looking for it in all the usual places (I scatter feed veg) and then I feel a mean Mummy Slave! I am going to plant coriander seeds in the next few days (I meant to do it last week but ran out of time!:doh:)
I've planned coriander but it hasn't germinated🤔 last year I had loads!
It takes ages to germinate especially with the cold nights. Just be patient it'll come up. Just keep watering. (I feel like Dory there "just keep swimming" 🤣 )
Oh is that why!? I gave up on mine and bought two new packets of seeds I need to plant! :doh:Thought I’d drowned them or something! I’ll be a bit more patient this time! :))
Typically the dill and parsley are doing well when it’s the coriander they eat blooming heaps of daily!
I can’t grow any in our flat we face north so we just don’t get the sun and we don’t have window ledges either :( luckily we live very close to a fruit and veg market so I get a giant bunch each week!

Why is everything yummy bad for them. 🤦🏻‍♀️ . I’m also confused with the once a week advice. Should you feed for example dill on Monday, parsley on Tuesday, kale on Wednesday OR does it mean dill on Monday and then nothing else high in calcium that whole week? Thanks.
I know, right? My two boys favourites are:

Fruit, especially melon!
Baby corn.
Celery leaves

They do love yarrow, too - not sure where this falls in calcium content?

They enjoy meadow sweet and herb Robert, also.

I'm looking into foraged foods, as we often forage anyway.