Dilemma re getting a friend for bereaved boar


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2019
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So Pistachio has had a week without Cashew and he’s doing OK, quiet but eating and drinking.
There are no single boars looking for bonding from either the RSPCA or nearest Piggy shelter. I have spoken to Wood Green today as they have a bonding option where he can stay there and be mixed and observed. However we are bumping on their need for an outdoor run to be 6 foot long. I have just replaced the boys’ triangle run with a new one and they have always been fine in it. But I understand that could be a much smaller space for newer piggies.
The easier and more affordable alternative is finding a single male from some random place but then they might not get on and of course may not be in good health.
So I think just writing this down I’m convincing myself, but Wood Green’s waiting list for bonding is around two months and I’m worried he shouldn’t be alone for that long anyway.
Thoughts welcome!
I have found a rescue with a couple of 12 month old single boars and also a baby ready soon. Wondering how submissive Pistachio will get on, would he become the leader with a teenage pig or just annoyed?! So hard to know what to do.
instinct tells me to get one of a similar age, but then we might be going through this process soon again..
I have contacted ten rescues so far, I didn’t expect it to be so hard to find a single boy!
I hope you find the perfect match soon. Having gone through it last year I know how hard it can be, there are so few rescues doing bonding now. My Bertie is a very difficult character and ended up with a bar buddy rather than a cage mate. Would you have the room to do that if you found an older single boar and they didn't get on in the same cage?
I have found a rescue with a couple of 12 month old single boars and also a baby ready soon. Wondering how submissive Pistachio will get on, would he become the leader with a teenage pig or just annoyed?! So hard to know what to do.
instinct tells me to get one of a similar age, but then we might be going through this process soon again..


I would look for a submissive boar rather than the actual age.

All the best. It can be rather difficult to find singles boars, In the end, it always comes down to whether they are a persnality match or not, and that is not something you can predict.

If you struggle, why not consider adopting a stably bonded post-teenage pair as next doo company through the bars? That means Pistachio has company he cannot fall out with and you won't have the same headache again any time soon. ;)
I'm sorry for your loss🌈
Would you consider neutering Pistachio? That way you could get one or two girls for him.
I've just lost one of my boys and as the remaining piggy is neutered already, I'm looking for two girls as I think it can often be a better match.
The piggy bonding is always a good idea so you can find a good match. It's all down to personalities so letting Pistachio choose is the best way to go.
I wish you well and hope Pistachio gets a friend soon xx🥰
Thanks all. I have started considering getting him neutered, but I wasn’t sure about putting him through the anaesthetic at his age. I would do it if necessary though. Do people think that C&C cages allow enough interaction as obviously the plastic side parts are quite high before they can see each other through the bars?
I am starting to be tempted by taking the 12 week old, because I think that he will be submissive to Pistachio. Pistachio generally has a lovely friendly temperament but I know it doesn’t mean he’s going to like every pig.
Just wanted to let you know, I empathise with you & your current situation. We have just been through the same. Our recently bereaved boar, was a neighbour boar. He has had a foster boy next to him for a couple of weeks, which has given him some piggy company.

Good luck with your search.
I have my "neighboars" in a C&C set up. The only issue I had was because they both have two floors. Where the respective ramps ended at the bottom created a bit of a pinch point. Mischievous Master Boris decided that this was the only place to pee and mark his territory, so obviously Dignified Sir George had to respond in kind. After a few weeks of changing pee pads at least twice a day, I realised that the ramps were permanently wet at the bottom. My ingenious hubby did some DIY and this creation is now their favourite place to hang out. So if you worry about ensuring enough contact, there's always a solution.
Thanks all. I have started considering getting him neutered, but I wasn’t sure about putting him through the anaesthetic at his age. I would do it if necessary though. Do people think that C&C cages allow enough interaction as obviously the plastic side parts are quite high before they can see each other through the bars?
I am starting to be tempted by taking the 12 week old, because I think that he will be submissive to Pistachio. Pistachio generally has a lovely friendly temperament but I know it doesn’t mean he’s going to like every pig.

As you say the high plastic part, I take this that you mean a commercial cage not a c&c cage (which are full grids). C&c are perfect as they allow full side by side with any obstructions.
Two commercial cages side by side would mean that there is a part which they cannot see through. I am sure there are people who do use commercial cages side by side and as adults they will hopefully be able to see over. Just wondering if there is a way to do anything about the plastic parts….
Or perhaps you could put something at that end they have to stand on which would raise them up.

I have separated boars who are now in a c&c but originally, I had one in the bottom level of a hutch and his separate friend was in a commercial cage beside him

Large C&C with divider, it was one cage so there are no sides through the middle. If you buy C&C cages commercially the sides can be high (except Cavee Cages). If you buy your own grids and Corex separately you can cut the Corex with lower sides which is what we do.


My other side by side pair have a low side between them because I can't access the back of the cage on the right to clean so I pull the Corex out like a drawer on that side. C&C is so flexible there's usually a way round any problem!
I don’t know where in the UK you are but MerryPigs near Stoke on Trent recently had single boars.
I think the Potteries are open to being asked but would never put a single boar up for adoption.
If the West Midlands is accessible those are both excellent rescues.
Thanks all. I have started considering getting him neutered, but I wasn’t sure about putting him through the anaesthetic at his age. I would do it if necessary though. Do people think that C&C cages allow enough interaction as obviously the plastic side parts are quite high before they can see each other through the bars?
I am starting to be tempted by taking the 12 week old, because I think that he will be submissive to Pistachio. Pistachio generally has a lovely friendly temperament but I know it doesn’t mean he’s going to like every pig.
All I would say with a young boar is you still have to navigate the hormone spikes 💙
Ah yes, sorry, I meant the corex would be too high for them to see over. I guess if necessary I could split the whole current enclosure with grids as shown in the photos.
I think if I plan to take the baby boar then we will hopefully work smoother through his teenage time when it comes, rather than introduce a teen to Pistachio.
Thanks all. I have started considering getting him neutered, but I wasn’t sure about putting him through the anaesthetic at his age. I would do it if necessary though. Do people think that C&C cages allow enough interaction as obviously the plastic side parts are quite high before they can see each other through the bars?
I am starting to be tempted by taking the 12 week old, because I think that he will be submissive to Pistachio. Pistachio generally has a lovely friendly temperament but I know it doesn’t mean he’s going to like every pig.


You can always cut out the coroplast part with a stanley knife and tape it back in from the outside with stone strong duct tape when you need the full sides again. I have done that a few times.

Here is our neutering information: A Guide to Boar Neutering Operations (Considerations, Post-op Care & Complications and Success Story)
Or put one flap down over the other and tape them down. You get a very slight bump but the piggies don't notice it once the fleece liner is on top. I've done that a few times when extending cages with the view that piggie cages in this house are always changing and what we are using somewhere this month is quiet likely to be moved next.