The 3 brothers, Jacob, Teddy & Harvey are 1 year old next month. There's always been a bit of conflict between Jacob and Harvey. Basically Jacob doesn't like him! Harvey had to go to the vets when he was young as Jacob split his lip. I split them for a while but then put them back together, there's been no serious injuries since although Harvey does have a few scabs on his bottom where I think Jacob has caught him. Teddy is the peace maker and gets on with both but tends to stick with Jacob. Tonight they seemed to be ganging up on Harvey while they're out for a run. I've put Harvey back in the pen with a pile of hay to give him a break. This flares up every now and again and each time I go through what I should do. The options are to carry on as now and hope they'll settle down (especially with Spring coming and they can go in their outside pen which is huge with grass), or to have Harvey neutered and put him with my girls.
I hate the idea of having him neutered, it would break my heart if he didn't get through it. I thought tonight briefly about getting him a neutered girl to live as a pair, I think he'd love that but I don't have the space. I like them to have very large pens and I've run out of rooms! Plus I really didn't want to take any more on because of the time, commitment and expense.
Not really a solution. Just wanted to get it off my chest really ... It's good to let off steam on here!
I hate the idea of having him neutered, it would break my heart if he didn't get through it. I thought tonight briefly about getting him a neutered girl to live as a pair, I think he'd love that but I don't have the space. I like them to have very large pens and I've run out of rooms! Plus I really didn't want to take any more on because of the time, commitment and expense.
Not really a solution. Just wanted to get it off my chest really ... It's good to let off steam on here!