Different cage set ups

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After being inspired by other postings I have decided to do something with my shed to create more room for my two piggies and two more which I will be getting soon. At the moment my piggies are outside in a reasonably large hutch (one with an upstairs and a downstairs) inside a wooden shed. Although the hutch is tall, it is not very wide so i was looking into enlarging the living area anyway. I have another shed that is nearer to the house (a concrete out house really) which has shelving all the way round, quite deep at waist level. somebody else on the site has made shelves and put a C&C cage system all the way round and I want to do something similar. Fisrst of course I will have to empty this shed and get someone to de-spider it for me!

What I would like to see is pictures and ideas of other peoples cage/hutch ideas for inspiration.

Thanks everyone!
Wendy, Iggle and Piggle
De-spider ;D ;D
I'm thinking of doing this too with C&C's. Only thing with C&C in a shed is the cages are very open so it gets colder quicker. A lot of people put heaters in their sheds tho.
I'll go and take you somme piccys in a bit......so true about the spiders though ;D ;D
I will post my cage piccies soon - they have a C&C which is 5 1/2 x 2 on the bottom, and 5 1/2 x 1 on the top.
Hmm, I hadn't thought about the heating issue. I might keep the hutch I have now and maybe use it in the winter when its a bit colder. They could go in the C&C during the day while I am at work, to get exercise and have a bit more space to run about, go out on the grass when the weather permits and go into the hutch at night and when its cold. I don't know. I don't want their little furry bods to get cold, but I do want to give them the best life I can. Part of that is to give them space to run about and root round in. I love the look of other people's C&C caging because you can build a hutch as big as you want, but I can not keep my little lambs inside because my cat would like to eat them! And my husband would moan ::) He is moaning now about getting two more, but I think I have the time and love to give two more, and I would like to do my bit and rescue two that maybe hadn't had the best life up to this point. :)
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