Different Breeds....

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Aug 16, 2009
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Manchester, England
do they have different behaviour. Do the varied piggies have different kinds of behaviour that make them make them better for being around kids? or being outside or are all little piggies pretty much like people and just have their own personalities x
Pretty much like people. All have their own personalities, and it is great to watch them develop. x
They all have their own personalities but rex piggies are said to be laid back & abby's or aby mixes have attitude :(|)
My Perus are drama queens and my shelties are puddings!

And abbys yes - crackers, or the ones here are!

You can't really generalise as each pig is different but this is what I've seen from my own pigs

i have found all are individual but my observations with my pigs are

Zanzabar,Baker,and the late Boris(all american shorthairs)-all are grumpy and feisty but loving to selected people:(|)

Bandit,Ralph & Windsor-Duke(all abby x)-are very big with personality and always surprising me with how cheerful and happy they are,all three also tend to popcorn for no apparent reason where as my other boys are more reserved.

Cooper-Beau(sheltie is just beautiful and squishy and always up for hugs and kisses and never complains

Smokey (amercan short hair x sheltie)-seems to take some of each breed,he is exactly like Cooper but when in a bad mood watch out because he isnt afraid to rumble or chatter even at his mummy.

Basil also takes some Sheltie and is very calm once held but the rest of his personality comes from another unknown breed.

So i guess you could say alot is down to breed,so far I'm finding shelties & abbys the most frirendly but am a sucker for the strong willed shorthairs;)
I think a lot is down to the individual personality rather than breed.

I have currently two teddy sisters, and they couldn't be more different in temperament!

If I were you, I'd ring around a bit and then go to the rescue within reasonable reach with the most "free" guinea pigs and handle them. You'll know when you've got the ones for you!
And more often than not, it won't be the prettiest or the ones you had set your heart on from a picture; as pictures don't convey the personality as much as handling creates a connection.
My Dizzy chose us (not the other way round!) that way, and later on she decided on Llewelyn as her new mate; both guinea pigs had not been what I had been looking for, but have given me and each other so much joy!
I have 6 boys, and by far the best behaved is my 3yo rex, he is just so laid back and really loves a cuddle.

I have 2 ridgeback boars who are quite feisty, and a sheltie cross who is an absolute cherub.

And then there are the newest arrivals Abby x's, who have bags of personality and I think they're the nosiest piggies ever!xoxoxoxo

I love them all for all their different quirks.
Tort and White pigs are always randy, popcorn a lot and do a rumble at the slightest whiff of a girl :)p
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