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Diego is sneezing and making air puffing noises - do I have to take him to the vet?

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Aug 1, 2011
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Newquay, Cornwall
Hi guys - me...again

My piggie Diego has had his fair share of issues recently, eating plastic, getting poo stuck in his nose....but now he is sneezing.

Both my pigs make an air puffing noise, which I thought was sneezing as it sounded nothing like their angry hissing noise. But tonight when I had Diego on my lap he actually sneezed, and then again and again. Four sneezes in 45 mins, and 5 of these little puffs of airs too.

I am now freaking out that he has a respiratory illness. Is there anything I should give him food, housing wise? He is still eating and drinking fine, and is popcorning around.

Honestly I am just so worried, I think at least once a week something happens that has me close to tears - I love these little guys so much :(

Please can anyone give me any sort of advice? I have been researching online and most respiratory illnesses have symptoms all listed together, sneezing, crusty eyes, not eating/drinking, being sleepy all the time. And he's only sneezing.....

Please help :(
sneeze sounded really like this...


thats a video of someone else's piggie sneezing - although some of those who commented said the pig was coughing or choking on the food. Diego had been eating so maybe he was clearing his throat?

Would really appreciate some help x
Stay calm.

est thing to do is stay calm. :) I know it can be very scary when you think you have a sick piggy. If he has NO symptoms besides sneezing i would think it would be fine to atleast leave taking him to the vets untill tomorrow. Best to get him checked *for piece of mind* and so the vet can here his chest. :)
Sneezing can be down to dusty hay - has he been routing around in it? Seeing that Diego has a bit of a history getting his head stuck in?

I usually recommend seeing a vet when you have at least two symptoms from the URI symptom list, not before. If it is just some strong sneezing, but nothing else, then I would rather expect something irritating in his sinuses.
Sneezing can be down to dusty hay - has he been routing around in it? Seeing that Diego has a bit of a history getting his head stuck in?

I usually recommend seeing a vet when you have at least two symptoms from the URI symptom list, not before. If it is just some strong sneezing, but nothing else, then I would rather expect something irritating in his sinuses.

Before I took him out he was running around in his hay.... lol and your are most right when you say about getting his head stuck in. He's crazy!

I've been watching him and he's not sneezed for a while, so maybe it was just irritated sinuses. None of the other symptoms apply at all. If other symptoms do appear I'll take him straight to the Vet.

Thanks Connie, and Wiebke. I have calmed down considerably, and Diego seems ok too.

I do not know where I'd be without you guys helping. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply :) x
My piggy sneezed too

Yes,Noodledoodle did about 4 or 5 sneezes in the middle of the night a month or so ago - I was awake all night worrying about her - it was dusty hay - I now shake it out first before I put it in.Hope that this is your problem, but like the post before get her checked out at the vets if it continues.
Biscuit has been sneezing like in the clip, wasnt sure if it was a cough or sneeze but that has confirmed it, least I know its sneezing so I can put my mind at rest, hope you get it sorted
does anyone know what the air puffing noise is? just a smaller sneeze maybe?

piggieboys - hope Biscuit is ok too x

thanks everyone :)
Just to set the record straight - the you tube video is not a pig sneezing - it's a smashing example of a piggie with "greedy guinea" syndrome - eating so fast it has to cough when food goes down the wrong way!

As for the snorting or "harumphing"- I have never found an explanation. Having observed my own pigs I have wondered if it is either their method of clearing their nostrils ..or (with one ill pig with gut problems who started snorting a lot) possibly even the guinea pig equivalent of a burp trying to get gas out from the stomach? Of course it could also mean "leave me in peace slave, can;t you see I;m busy eating" :))

Just to set the record straight - the you tube video is not a pig sneezing - it's a smashing example of a piggie with "greedy guinea" syndrome - eating so fast it has to cough when food goes down the wrong way!

As for the snorting or "harumphing"- I have never found an explanation. Having observed my own pigs I have wondered if it is either their method of clearing their nostrils ..or (with one ill pig with gut problems who started snorting a lot) possibly even the guinea pig equivalent of a burp trying to get gas out from the stomach? Of course it could also mean "leave me in peace slave, can;t you see I;m busy eating" :))


Lol! Greedy Piggy Syndrome: we get that! I keep telling her: "Chew your food!" :))
I had to giggle at the video- when my Sundae was younger she used to do that frequently while trying to mow through an entire salad in two minutes! She's the classic 'greedy guinea!'

I would keep an eye on your little guy for any other symptoms... mine have certainly let out the odd cough or sneeze without any further problems.
Diego boy do you know how to worry your mummy!! ?/

If you're ever in doubt.......call the vets and make an appointment......i have rung and asked for advice many times :) aka 'peace of mind'

it means you're a very caring mummy xx>>>
Greedy piggie syndrome! Sounds about right!

He has been fine this morning :) I got up in the night and lay by their cage and he was totally fine then too. Will keep an eye, but thank you so much for reassuring me! The Vet has been great whenever I ring having a panic, basically saying the same as you guys :)

My boyfriend said to me last night (whilst I was near to tears!) 'these guinea pig people are really lovely, you guys are lucky to have each other' - and he's totally right! I'd be lost without you all x

oh love i so hope you can find out really what's up with him!
'm a total worry wort so can understand you're emotions........ i'm a little better now with my girls but freak when one of them gets sick cause of her condition....

sounds like you have a really lovely BF x)x) really nice to know you have some great support...........cause that sure does help! (hello lovely BF xxxxxxxxx)
Just to let you guys know little D is fine :)

My laptop charger broke so I was lucky to get to speak to you guys before the battery died!

Thanks for all your support! And if I can do anything for any of you guys just send me a message.

Oh and Glynis - oh says hi! :D xxxxx
Just to let you guys know little D is fine :)

My laptop charger broke so I was lucky to get to speak to you guys before the battery died!

Thanks for all your support! And if I can do anything for any of you guys just send me a message.

Oh and Glynis - oh says hi! :D xxxxx

ahhhhhhhhhhh that's breat to hear the little man is ok xoxoxoxoxoxo

Hi back at you lovely BF :)
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