Did You Only Use Cable Ties To Join Your C&c Together?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
If so, could you post a picture? I'm horribly afraid my cable tying has gone awry...
Do any of your guinea pigs try and chew them?
Mine haven't even noticed them. I've done them pretty high up the grids or behind the correx so they can't reach them and I also trimmed them right down and turned them so the "pokey bit" is facing out to avoid any accidents.
How's yours looking @alibobbles?
It's looking really wibbly wobbly. I think some of the problem is that I've got a roof and it's destabilising things a bit.

I may have to reinstall the connectors and try more complicated maths to work out the correx size taking them into account:mal:
It's looking really wibbly wobbly. I think some of the problem is that I've got a roof and it's destabilising things a bit.

I may have to reinstall the connectors and try more complicated maths to work out the correx size taking them into account:mal:

Yeah, I think ones with roof may need the connectors as the cable ties have give in them,.... Good luck
See, that's what I would do - my life is just a series of clumsy shenanigans...

Have reinstated connectors and measured up ready for correx. Is a lot better now, just going to have to sacrifice the extra 3cm the connectors take up ;)
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