"Did you know you can't eat and talk at the same time?"


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Nov 26, 2016
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"No? I think we should try it. Less talking, more eating!"

He actually stayed quiet for several minutes, although he was staring at me in confusion the entire time. Cam could be talkative but he and Bann conversed with each other. Mourne just keeps shouting at the universe :flag:

Tell me I'm not the only one with one pig who likes to talk to ghosts. Please, lol.
Venetia is the most chatty pig I think we have ever had in this house and she doesn’t stop talking even whilst tucking into a pile of veggies. I’m never sure if she’s complaining at me about the lack of choice or portion control or if she’s telling Iris to stay away and not eat her share. She’s a constant mutterer.
Tofu is also a chatty piggie. He doesn’t shriek or wheek much, it’s more like a constant stream of little chitters and squeaks. Like he’s narrating every step to inform me of his plans 😂

Patches is less constantly vocal, but when he wheeks he really wheeks. And he hasn’t quite grasped how to breathe and eat at the same time so he frequently makes little sneeze-hiccup-choke sounds when tucking into his veggies. Really freaked me out at first but he’s just Like That apparently!

Mourne is in good company with the talking to ghosts… Noodle used to sit in the back of the cage staring intently at the shadows. I was sure he was seeing things I couldn’t lol
Venetia is the most chatty pig I think we have ever had in this house and she doesn’t stop talking even whilst tucking into a pile of veggies. I’m never sure if she’s complaining at me about the lack of choice or portion control or if she’s telling Iris to stay away and not eat her share. She’s a constant mutterer.

Do me a favour, and don't tell Mourne it's possible 😱

He hasn’t quite grasped how to breathe and eat at the same time so he frequently makes little sneeze-hiccup-choke sounds when tucking into his veggies. Really freaked me out at first but he’s just Like That apparently!

Oh, this is Bann. Except his hiccups, the noise he makes is horrendous and it sounds like he's being murdered in the most painful way imaginable, and when I run down the stairs...full body hiccups.

But does he learn? Haha. Of course he doesn't.
My most chatty piggy was Silver Fox Christian. If he was moving, he was talking, if he wasn't moving, he was chatting. He was constantly making some sort of noise. He didn't wheek much. The wheeker of my original 5 was Shy Little Meg who's very loud, high pitch wheek sounded like she was being murderded until her Mum and Mentor :yikes::yikes:DA BOSS:yikes::yikes: Velvet had to be helped over the Rainbow Bridge and she never wheeked again😢. The Ever Beautiful Betsy took over as chief wheeker after that.