Did we try to hard?


New Born Pup
Apr 6, 2023
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They have just recently taken some stuff from our hands, not like getting on to our hands but we had some stuff between our finger and gave it to them, and they took it.
But we have tried to make them go in a shoebox wich they did, and then put them on our lap.
They dont try to run away when they are on our lap, but they are really still. The girl is just sitting there and barely moving, the boy can sniff and move his head around lots. Are they frightened?

I dont really wanna push them or force them to something they dont want
Normally we say to not handle them for the first week. Cover the cage and leave them to settle in doing nothing more than feeding and watering, a bit of daily spot cleaning.
However, taking food from your hand is a good sign that they are starting to trust.
I would personally not be trying to hold them at this stage, being sat very still is a sign of being scared. The male sounds to be slightly more relaxed but it all comes down to reading their body language. The female being sat very still and not moving, she does sound to be very scared.

Most importantly, have you separated them into different cages now? Please don’t get them both out at the same time - don’t allow them any physical contact at all. The female needs to be on pregnancy watch and our pregnancy guides will help you.
Although you will have weeks until she has pups, sows come into season within hours of giving birth so will immediately become pregnant again if the male remains in the cage. A back to back pregnancy will cause a huge strain on her body particularly as she is a baby herself, plus you will end up with many piggies all needing to be separated appropriately, very quickly.
To add, some piggies are very affectionate, some learn to like cuddles, some won’t tolerate any handling for anything more than the routine weekly weight and health checks.
I have four piggies (two 5 year olds and two 7 month olds) - the eldest two are happy to be around me, take food from my hand etc but they will not voluntarily be held. I can only handle them for the weight and health checks. They will be happy to climb over me if I sit on the floor with them though. The youngest two actively come to me, climb on me, want to be held and are very relaxed to be around me. It all comes down to following their lead.
Thank you for the feedback. They still havent mated yet, and we are getting another cage in a hour from now.
I've noticed that he is trying to get ontop of her but she doesnt let him, so i think we still are in luck.
The question is, can they survive without each other? We will have 2 seperate cage beside each other :)
If they are beside each other they will be fine, please remove them now as guinea pigs can mate very quickly, and pregnancy is not fun.

I've owned my boys for years but if they are not in a towel while on my lap they are nervous, it is just instinctual as they are prey animals.
Hand feeding and just sitting next to them and speaking are both very helpful things, It will take time and I have some pigs who love being handled and touched and a couple that hate it, it just depends on the pigs.
You wouldn’t necessarily see a mating happen. All you can do now is keep on watch for the next 10 weeks, prepare for pups but hope she isn’t pregnant.
They will be absolutely fine side by side as they can still interact through the bars.
Maybe it will be easier to tame both of them when their alone? :D

Maybe but also it may not make any difference. It’s going to come down to their character and how trusting they are. Take things at their pace and see how it goes.
It’s usually weeks to months for them to settle - some will be sooner, some longer.

Of my two eldest, one took six weeks to settle in but it took the other a year and a half before he would take food from me. The two youngest were fine from day one

Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering and Cuddling Tips
Maybe it will be easier to tame both of them when their alone? :D

Try the tips in these links here in order to make friends with your piggies in ways they instinctively understand and by respecting where they come from. Most people are completely unaware that their piggies haven't had any friendly human interaction before coming into a complex pet home with huge expectations.
Arrival in a home from the perspective of pet shop guinea pigs
Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering and Cuddling Tips
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?

You won't see them mating if your girl is already pregnant, which is a real possibility if they have been together before you bought them. Sows come into season only every two weeks and will only sexually mate duringthe last few hours of it. Since you can't be sure of either fact, please separate asap and keep them next to each other for interaction through the bars. Sows come into season again within hours of giving birth so the last thing you want is risk a back-to-back pregnancy.