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Diarrhoea and wheeking when going to the toilet


Junior Guinea Pig
May 20, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone!
My guinea pig Kovu has been undergoing treatment for a UTI, she’s been on loxicom and cystophan for a few weeks now, had to cancel my vet follow up visit Saturday as I’d come down with a cold, and with the current pandemic didn’t want to risk making anyone sick, and Kovu has been absolutely fine in herself, and at the last checkup was on the mend, it was rearranged for tomorrow morning at 8:30am. This is just included as background info, I don’t think it has anything to do with the uti but wanted to give some context about her current meds etc!

The last few days her poops have been wetter than usual, she’s always been a wet-ish poop girl naturally, but it’s got worse. Today I’ve just noticed she’s squeaking in pain and lifting her butt up as she goes to the toilet, and squinting her eyes whenever she does, and her bum is wet and covered in poop. I’ve wiped her and got her clean, and given her a fresh pile of hay to sit in, and she’s munching away in her nest of hay. I rang my guinea pig vets to see if they had any emergency appointments today but the guinea pig specialist isn’t in today, and I have an appointment at 8:30 tomorrow morning anyway. Kovu fingers crossed seems relatively fine fingers crossed, she’s obviously in some pain and uncomfortable and squeaks when I pick her up, but she also runs around her cage fine, will take treats out of my hand and is eating and drinking fine. Is there anything I can do between now and tomorrow morning to make her feel any better? I know giving veggies is probably a no go (apart from I need to give her a piece of pepper, as that is how she has her cystophan powder on top of a piece of bell pepper), and keeping her clean and dry and warm, and making sure she’s getting fluids etc. I also read something about using probiotics to help, I do have a tub of pro-c probiotic somewhere, but I’m not sure whether I’m better waiting until she’s seen the vet in the morning and checked out what I should be doing for her with the vets. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you ☺️
Also, maybe relevant - she has had more veggies than maybe she should the last couple months, her husboar passed away in September and I bonded her with two baby females, and Kovu is a greedy pig, and the babies are still quite shy, so I have been giving a bit extra to ensure they get enough. I think I may start feeding her in my little playpen though, so I can control the amount she gets, especially as the babies need their veggies for vitamin c etc and they’re still fairly young and growing.
Hiya. I’d stop veggies for her (apart from the small piece she needs her meds on). Pro c should be fine to give today until you see the vet tomorrow. If she has completely watery poops then it’s an emergency as she could get dehydrated very quickly. Good luck at the vets. ❤️
Hiya. I’d stop veggies for her (apart from the small piece she needs her meds on). Pro c should be fine to give today until you see the vet tomorrow. If she has completely watery poops then it’s an emergency as she could get dehydrated very quickly. Good luck at the vets. ❤️
Thanks lovely! I will stop the veggies and not give her any today, I feel like she may protest about it though! They were very watery earlier, but now seems to have at least gone back to being normal poop shapes, still kinda mushy but not anywhere near as bad as earlier. I think she may have just eaten too much of the babies veggies last night, especially since I’d given them a piece of romaine etc each, and I’m sure she probably managed to snag most of it, which I think may be the culprit for at least some of it, but definitely still getting her checked out tomorrow morning to be on the safe side!
Hopefully she’s just been a greedy girly and over indulged.
Hi everyone - been to the vets today and it was good news, she’s been quite vocal with picking her up etc but other than that seems fine. She wheeked a bit when she pressed on her bladder so the vet gave her an x-ray to check for kidney stones as she thought she’d be over it by now, and it came back clear and nothing visible there which was a huge relief. Once she’d peed while waiting for the xray and was more comfortable, the vet gave her a complete feel over and she didn’t wheek once that time and she said that actually she thinks she’s improved since her last check up and seems to be on the mend, still needs her loxicom but at a lower dosage, and continuing with the cystophan as a urinary health supplement. She thought she also could’ve just had a bit of discomfort as one of her ovarian cysts has grown slightly, but it’s not impacting her quality of life currently, and she didn’t mind the vet checking them out fully today so it’s obviously not painful for her, as whenever she doesn’t like something she’s very vocal about it. The vet put the sludgy poop down to her eating too many of the veggies meant for all three pigs, so she’s off the veggies for a couple days til she’s over it, and I’ll feed Bonnie and Chica theirs in a playpen for now. It’s more formed into actual poops now but still squishy, but the vet wasn’t very worried about it and thinks it will clear up. She wants me to ring her on Tuesday and let her know how she’s doing, and we’ll take it from there. Thanks for the support! I was really worried it would come back as something bad today, so it’s a huge relief. Once she’s completely better from the poop, I’ll give her a proper butt bath just to get her fully cleaned up, but for now I’m just wiping her backside every day to keep her clean 💞