New Born Pup
I’m honestly so distraught my finally guinea pig was eating perfectly fine the days after her longer term cage mate ashley passed but today she randomly stopped eating as much and now has soft poops, it’s not complete diarrhea but I’m beyond scared because the last time this happened my piggie passed away. I first noticed her eyes being crusty which I thought was from extra fluid that she couldn’t get to clean herself with and she no longer has a play mate to help her groom either so I cleaned her eyes after I cleaned her cage up and now she has really soft poops, all she ate today was lettuce and yesterday hay a multivitamin treat and a hay chew toy for her teeth. I genuinely am so confused and am worrying it’s something I did wrong. I have been keeping up on the cage cleaning and giving her lettuce everyday, but today she just stopped after eating half a big piece of romaine. She has plenty of hay to snack on and I have changed it out so she doesn’t have soggy pieces. I’m going to syringe feed her so she is able to make it to vet tomorrow please any advice would be extremely helpful