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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 21, 2006
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South Yorkshire, England
Just curious, does anyone keep diaries or have you found one of your old diaries and looked back at it? Found a few today from a couple of years back, kinda creepy what I wrote in there ::) I don't have one at the moment though..dunno why really, just worried someone would find it if I did have one :P I know some people have like LJ's and stuff that they use as diaries too ;)

I always used to have one, then I got the shock of my life reading back to myself ones that I had in previous years! :o :o

I would've just died if anyone else had read them! :o So, not anymore I don't. I have various forums taking over for that purpose! LOL :D
I used to have a diary and when i read back i was shocked... its so weird, like i know how i feel right now, but its weird thinking how i felt back then.
I want to keep a journal because I'm not too good with remembering detail... i just have to get off my butt and go buy a book to write in ;D
But for now I dont have one.
I kept a diary for years when I was younger-up until about the age of 19. I have read through them from time to time (usually when sorting things to chuck out) and I can't believe some of the stuff that's in there!
Never write down what you dont want people to read. Only a police training diary and i haven't updated that in weeks. :-\
I kept a diary when i went to Aermica to live as a nanny and it is so sad when i read it back, I have just recently burnt it as a way to a new me
I sometimes keep a diary whilst on holiday - sounds silly but I want to remember everything I did. Tend to make a scrap book with pictures and bits I have written so I can look back and remember my holiday clearly.

Other than that no - I find writing thoughts and feelings down can make me over analyse situations and then feel worse!

I did find my school leaving book the other day - when I left school all friends/teachers wrote comments and stories and stuff in a book for me. That was funny to read back through!
It is so WEIRD you would mention this - yesterday evening we were clearing out some old boxes and found three old diaries of my boyfriend. I had to have a nosey (he allowed it) and it was from hilarious (a diary when he was 13) to really sad (when he was 21).

But I have learned alot about who he is through reading them, could see how he and his character developed.. was a really interesting read! :)
I did from 11-19. When I moved to Bath I detsroyed them all because I didn't want to bring them with me but I didn't want anyone else looking at them. I regret getting rid of them now.

What I do have are some letters to myself. My old tutor at school got us to write to ourselves on the first day in the first year then he took them all and brought them out on the first day of the next year. We read them and did another , so I have five in all. Creepy, but can't quite bear to part with them!
I kept a diary for about 5 years when I was having the time of my life. I stopped writing them when I met Steve because nothing happened anymore. I still have them. I love reading them and reminding myself of all the fun I had.

They say that only good girls keep diaries because bad girls don't have the time. Well, that's not true. ;)
trust me, you don't wanna know! :embarassed:

There is a bit that you know, love :) But the rest... No way! ;)
yeah, I occassionally write in mine now but I can say that is isn't up-to-date at all. However, I do have ones around from way back when I was in high school and college and let me tell you that there are interesting things written in them from way back when I was way younger and could cause all kinds of trouble. LOL
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