Teenage Guinea Pig
I just recently adopted a new guinea pig, and I noticed that he was drinking a lot. I have two 8 ounces bottles in my guinea pigs cage- and by the end of every day both will be more then halfway empty. I know that they aren't leaking because I've been using them for a while and have never had that problem. I also know my other guinea pig is barely contributing to the water that is gone because when he was by himself the bottles would be almost to the top by the end of every day. It is also not hot in my room, its 68 degrees which always seemed to be fine. I feel like every time I look into their cage I see my newly adopted guinea pig drinking. I know that some guinea pigs just have different drinking habits, but all the guinea pigs I've had would rarely drink. He is going to the vets tomorrow(unrelated to this, I'm just going to double check that hes better from his URI) should I ask to get him checked for diabetes, or would that be unnecessary?