Dettol Laundry Cleanser To Wash Fleece

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wirral, Merseyside
Does anyone use dettol laundry cleanser to kill bacteria when washing their pigs fleece? I am just about to use it but I didn't realise it says it is 'fresh cotton' scented. Just need to know if it is safe for them
Personally I would not use it as it is supposed to be put in the final rinse ,I wouldn't want any anti bacterial agent left on my families clothing including pigs , I suppose you could use it in the detergent drawer with your regular powder and it would kill the bacterial then be rinsed off , a cheaper alternative is you can get the b and m oxy powder that is about £2.00 ,that kills bacteria in the wash at low temp ,it goes in with your detergent, I would always do an extra rinse on fleece just to be sure no chemicals are left on them.
Okay thanks for that @tallulahmay

I already put the dettol in before I got your reply as I read that a few people have used it with their pigs. The cycle is on 40 degrees and takes around 1hr45 mins to complete. After that amount of time all the chemicals should be washed off even after putting it in the conditioner drawer shouldn't it? If it's safer though I will restart the washing machine after it finishes and do another 30 min wash
i chuck a cap ful in along with my white vinegar every wash... the final rinse rinses it all off i reckon...
Anything put in the softener drawer stays on the laundry , so if it's in the detergent drawer it gets rinsed of in the final rinse so I believe , I can't see it being a problem left on if it is approved for humans and they don't eat the fleece , it does have a strong fragrance though the dettol one which I don't like but it's all personal taste ,as I don't use softener either on anything , just a little bicarbonate soda , mainly because the strong smells make me wheeze.
@lauraboara I have not seen the fragrance free version. Where do you get it from please?
Oo that might be harder to answer - but certainly a supermarket - probably Sainsburys.
It is just the same but called Laundry Cleanser Sensitive and most of the label is green. I found the smell of the normal sort quite strong.
I have found the fragrance free dettol laundry cleanser now, thanks everyone. I will definitely be going to a supermarket to get some later on.. The original fresh cotton version does have a very strong smell and the fleeces are currently having their 4th wash of the day trying to get rid of the dettol smell :no: Won't be using that again
:D If I could get the Dettol Laundry wash more locally, I would buy it more often. I used the Cotton Fresh version and never had any problems with my pigs.
i have used dettol laundry cleanser for a year on my fleeces.not had any problems,i found any scent was very subtle.
It comes down to how much you use, I think, have used it for three years with all my fosters, but at only half the suggested 'dosage', and not had any problem. We are in a soft water area, if that has any influence?
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