Destructive Female Piggie


New Born Pup
Jun 20, 2022
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Hi, I have two 7 month old piggies and one is a lot more active than the other, Pippa. She has always been the wild one but I’m just looking to see if anyone has advice for me. She tips her little bed up and anything thats in her way she tips it upside down. We give her lots of enrichment and keep her busy with toys and put her in the indoor run and outdoor run everyday, she plays with the toys and enjoys the enrichment we make her but still runs round really fast tipping everything up, does anyone have advice on this or is it normal to have one wild piggie?
Thankyou :) x
She sounds to be a very normal, active young piggy. Tipping things over is great fun for them and one way of playing. The running around fast is called zoomies and is the sign of a happy piggy! Enjoy it!
My boys are four years old now and I miss the days of zoomies and popcorning!
What are the dimensions of her cage?
A lot of young piggies are naturally little whirlwinds, but cage dimensions can make a difference too.
What are the dimensions of her cage?
A lot of young piggies are naturally little whirlwinds, but cage dimensions can make a difference too.
Hi, the cage is around 120cm by 60cm but they tend to only be in there over night, or if we are out for the day, usually though during the day they are either in their inside run which is a mesh one from amazon probably twice as big as the cage in terms on floor space, or they are outside on the grass in a run also off amazon which is about the same as the inside run.
Hi, the cage is around 120cm by 60cm but they tend to only be in there over night, or if we are out for the day, usually though during the day they are either in their inside run which is a mesh one from amazon probably twice as big as the cage in terms on floor space, or they are outside on the grass in a run also off amazon which is about the same as the inside run.

So any area they are locked into needs to meet requirements. A 120x60cm cage is the smallest cage two sows should be in. It’s fine, it meets minimum requirements, but bigger is always better for any area they are shut into.
If they have an inside run, can that not be made into their permament cage and not use the 120 cage at all? As I say, its not that the 120 is entirely unsuitable, it’s just that giving them as much space as possible at all times is important
Yeah that’s definitely something we can look into 100%, or even use the run temporarily while we find a bigger cage, thankyou for the advice I really appreciate it, going to have an explore around the forum and read as much as i can, such a relief finding a page with information all in one place. Thanks again :)
Brilliant thankyou, i’ll have a look, just want to make sure we are doing the best for our little piggies :)
Well done for taking the advice on board.
Your piggies are very lucky to have such a caring owner whose priority is clearly their health and welfare.

What I will say I have learned about cage sizes, is that bigger is always better - particularly with younger piggies, but even with older piggies - guinea pigs have their own agenda.
They will run and play when they want to run and play, which is why the priority should always be to give them as much space as possible in their main cage.
That way they always have the space they need when they want it.

I am the first to admit that my first cage was much too small, as I made sure they had a huge play pen and an even bigger lawn time pen.
But the thing that has made all of my piggies the happiest is upgrading their main cages.
Honestly after around a year of owning them their play pens were the same size (or smaller) than their main cages, and this worked perfectly for them.
yes definitely if I can learn and change what i’m doing to suit them better and make them happier thats the main thing, we have been looking into then cages you can build yourself, as myself and my boyfriend still live with parents space is limited but with them ones you can build we can build it in the space we have and it will be bigger than the current one, any advice though is much appreciated and definitely will be taken on board so thankyou 🐹💓