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My Peanut has been acting a little odd recently, whenever i go out to see him he is ALWAYS in the sleeping compartment, At first he used to do it when Carlito was still around and i thought it may have been terretorial...but since hes died he never comes out, maybe just to eat a bit of broccoli, but if he can he will drag it in his bedroom compartment! Iv tryed opening the door recently for him to get some daylight, but I'm just wondering if this is normal? I have him in the house and he sits on my lap for a cuddle and chortles away so I assumed he was happy enough, maybe losing his buddy has made him depressed to live on his own? I'm not sure!:Ayociexp113:
perhaps he is a bit depressed. have you thought about getting another friend for him? it is hard when you lose one to replace it, but it might be worth thinking about it.

hope he feels better soon x
aww thanks! I did think about it but i wanted to make sure it wasnt a desiese that my other guinnea died of before introducing another into the hutch, but peanut seems fine and the hutch is spotless now after a huge dose of disinfectant! Now I'm wondering to get him a girlfriend or another boy? xx
Is your little fellow neutered? Then yes, you can get him a girlfriend otherwise you are stuck with getting him a baby boar as a companion.
If you got a rescue near you, take him there to make his own pick!
no hes not, but might take him to get done if I'm gonna get him a gf, dont want a load of baby guinneas to look after too (although they are so sweet!) Iv got a rescue not too far from me so I will take him! how exciting, how will i know who he likes?

My Jack was the same and i had two new boys and put their cages next to each other and they always chat. Now Jack i sALWAYs out and chatting away.
thats it then, ill go off to my local rescue center next week and get him a friend,....or a girlfriend but depends if i get him neutered or not...!
I guess that he is lonely ... Shaun was like that before I had him neutered. Shy and down-in-the-dumps.

Now he is happy - although bossed around by two lady friends and now also a little tinker of a baby boar, after I adopted Princess not knowing she was pregnant already. The condition of his coat has improved, he is more content and friendly towards me.

99% of guinea pigs like company ... neutering is expensive and of course, carries a risk. Perhaps pop to a local resuce and see if he bonds with another male there.

Let us know how things go.
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