Depressed Piggy Owner!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 18, 2014
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Ok so as most of you know we've had a pretty traumatic introduction to the world of guinea pig ownership with the loss of Daisy. My concerns now lie with Maisie.

To put it simply she's turned into a right grumpy madam! Every time she sees me she's chattering her teeth at me and there's no way she's going to let me stroke her!
I thought she might me getting upset because the dog keeps ramming his wet nose in her cage to see what all the new fuss was about (jealous much) so we've lifted her cage so he can't see her. She lets me hand feed her sometimes again depending on the mood but i must admit to feeling like a failure. Could it be because of the loss of daisy ?

My plan of action so far is to go back to basics and treat her like she's just arrived. So talking to her and watching her but no touching at this stage. Any other suggestions would be gratefully received :(
I am sorry to hear of the loss of Daisy. It sounds very much like Maisie is grieving. Piggies are a very social species and grieve deeply for lost friends.

Try reading this thread on caring for a bereaved piggy. It may well answer some questions and explains the best ways to help including considering finding a new friend for the piggy which can often give them a whole new lease of life.
I'm so sorry. What a horrible time you are having. My pigs have not displayed that kind of greiving behavior in the past, they have just become silent/still and withdrawn but I'm sure it affects all pigs differently.

I hope things improve for you both soon.
Poor Maisie is feeling very vulnerable and very much on her own at the moment, especially has she hasn't had time yet to form a bond with you. Grieving guinea pigs can be hard to deal with because they withdraw instead of seeking solcae with you. Please look for a same gender friend for her!

I know that it is a long treck from Scarborough, but Milhaven Guinea Pig Rescue in Keighley are very good at bonding her with a friend that Maisie is happy with - either a neutered boar or another sow - and that in turn will make for a very happy friendship, which will make you very happy in the years to come!

With one of our recommended rescues you are guaranteed that you will rehome only a healthy (quarantined and treated) and non-pregnant guinea pig and that character compatiblity is taken in account during the bonding at the rescue, so you neatly avoid all the usual pitfalls that can await the unwary - and you do not have to chance the bonding yourself, which can be quite scary and may not work out.
Don't give up on her -piggies are complex little creatures and she is almost certainly as @Wiebke says feeling vulnerable and lonely. The kindest thing you can do for her is to find her a companion, but this will need to be handled carefully and preferably with the help of a specialist Guinea Pig rescue centre who will understand her behaviour and needs. Hope you can find her a companion and she will come out of her shell.
Hi guys thanks for the replies.

I have already contacted Milhaven about finding Maisie a friend and they might have some suitable friends around mid feb after they have been through pregnancy watch.
Don't worry I won't give up on her in fact to be fair I probably feel the same as her most days lol!
Teeth chattering can be a sign of aggression - but it can also be a sign of impatience! Jeffrey, my friendliest, most non aggressive pig ever, teeth chatters at feeding time if food doesn't come quick enough! Then the others join in, but it's different to an aggressive teeth chatter...
That is good news! Milhaven have taken in a lot of piggies, so there should be quite a choice for Maisie! ;)

My PiliPala (Welsh for butterfly) and Papi (poppy) have both come from there; you and Maisie will be in very safe hands with her.
OMG! She squeaked at me last night i think demanding food which I of course promptly got her majesty! I ran into the living room shouting "she squeaked, she squeaked!" with the biggest grin on my face ever!
I think i'm officially a guinea pig slave!
OMG! She squeaked at me last night i think demanding food which I of course promptly got her majesty! I ran into the living room shouting "she squeaked, she squeaked!" with the biggest grin on my face ever!
I think i'm officially a guinea pig slave!
You definitely are! Milhaven is a great rescue and Jo will be able to sort your little lady out with a friend. I got Struan from there in September as a date for my Suilven and she was really helpful. Good luck!
OMG! She squeaked at me last night i think demanding food which I of course promptly got her majesty! I ran into the living room shouting "she squeaked, she squeaked!" with the biggest grin on my face ever!
I think i'm officially a guinea pig slave!

So, you've joined the guinea pig slave club! Welcome.
I'm pleased to hear that Masie communicated to you. Signs of improvement are a joy .
I too am on the waiting list at Millhaven as I want to pair my 2 neutered boars with sows each. Role on Feb!
I hope Masie finds her ideal companion!
Thats great progress that she is wheeking at you :) Big (gentle) compassionate hugs for both of you x
Small progress is good progress!

When we cleaned her out the other day obviously she had to be picked up, which she hates, but then she sat beautifully on my hubby's knee while the slave cleaned her cage! I swear i saw her smirking!

Have discovered if i hide her food in her hay she loves to go look for it- in fact she goes nuts lol!

Anyhow I'm not as depressed now :yahoo:
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