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well after all the talk on here about people going to the dentist. it's quite a coincidence that I now have to go this afternoon. :'(

The problem is I got a abcess about 3 months ago, because my dentist pushed a filing in wrong, which pressed on my nerve and caused my tooth to crack, causing the infection.

So i went back to him, and he give me the penicillin to kill it, and then he started the root canal treatment, well he has done this 4 times and he has hurttt me soo much (and he says there not supposed to hurt). He made me cry! and he also made me bleed and all he could say was "oh dear what have I done, it shouldn't be bleeding, what have I done?"

Well after 3 months of root canals and pain, the abcess i fully back, and is killing me, so I am going back this afternoon for him to give me another course of antibiotics, my um is coming with me today, as the dentist seems to treat me like a little girl even though I am 19. I am also going to ask him just to remove the tooth completely, as it had caused me soo much pain already and it is at the very back of my mouth, so not very noticable.

He also tells me I don't look after my teeth properly, which I do, I just have loads of problem, because I was born premature and my teeth pupls didn't form correctly so when my baby teeth came through, all the nerves were exposed so I had to have all of baby teeth removed. Now when my adult teeth came though again the nerves were exposed (my teeth were basically hollow) so I have had to have them all filled in, because this is the only way they have been able to cover my nerve and top me from been in constant pain. My old dentist who I have had since I was little and understands all my problem as now shut down, so I have this new dentist for a bout a year and even though he has my dental records, he keeps telling me I should take better care of my teeth and that I shouldn't have so many fillings :tickedoff: its not my fault!

sorry for such a long post, it has just been really irritating me, and I am glad to get it off my chest.
He doesnt seem like a very good dentist do you have a local dental hospital they may do a better job! I think if I was you I would have the tooth removed as this sounds like its going to be a on going problem I think I would have to get someone else to remove it as I wouldnt trust him! I hope it goes well ;)
Gosh Vikki poor you. You've been through so much. We all hate having anything done at the dentist but to go through what you have sounds horrible.

We've always looked after our girls' teeth and they've had some problems due to enamel not forming properly before they were born for some reason, it isn't always your fault is it? Luckily our dentist is understanding.

If it were me I don't think I would still be going to that dentist. As far as I can see, you have every reason to be justified in changing dentist.

In any case, perhaps removal of the tooth is a good idea, especially as it is right at the back, but make sure you go to hospital and have it removed under GA, it is in an awkward spot. I don't think I'd trust your present dentist to do it.

Hope you get it sorted, keep us posted.
Well I am actually looking for a new dentist, as the hospital near me which had the dentist department as now been knocked down.

But as ever, all the dentists are currently booked up, so I am going to have to stick with him until I can get a place somewhere.

Thanks for the kind words, I will keep you updated, as to what he does. He may say I am not allowed to have the tooth removed, as I asked a while ago and he said no, but my mum is with me today so she is going to ask him and see what he sas, because he listens to her, unlike him been patraniziong (sp?) towards me.
Oh I hate it when dentists speak to you like that! My hubby is having similar problems and in the end he just demanded that they take the tooth out as he just couldnt concentrate with the pain!
Good luck with the dentist,had to take my little 8 year old earlier,she has bad asthma so takes her pumps daily,but the steroids in the pumps are rotting her teeth so she had to have a back baby tooth removed this morning,but coped fine,the dentist has said he is going to start painting her teeth with something to stop them rotting,hope this works,as she already has had to have one of her new teeth filled
Good luck :D

It's kinda weird when I go to the dentist as my dentist has known me since I was nine months old :P
Gee love sounds like you need a dentist who's a bit more sensitive to you. Surely he must know from experience about your background and therefore why you do have more probs say than others. Can you go somewhere else? Anyways wishing you all the best, i've had an abscess and they hurt like 'hell', i hope you're feeling much better by tonight :) :) :) :)
Well I have been and he has given me some antibitocs to kill the abcess again :D and in two and a bit weeks when my antibiotics course has finished he has agreed to remove the tooth :D I am so happy now I don't have to worry about the pain of root canals. on a downside now I have turned 19 even though I am a student, I have to pay for treatment and prescriptions. :tickedoff:
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