er my dentist is awful. I had a root canal a month ago, and it hurt me so much I was in tears, and then the dentist did something wrong and made my mouth bleed. and he was like " oh dear that isn't supposed to happen, what have I done?" and I was thinking oh my god :tickedoff:
Anyway because he made a mess basically, I have to back and have it done again on the 1st June, but this time I am asking him to inject me before hand as he didnt less time and it hurt me soo much. The other problem is I have to take 4 ginormous tablets before I go to the dentist because I have a heart defect and am prone to infections but I only have to take them If i am having like an injection, but he never tells me what I am having done, so how am I supposed to know wether to take them or not. grrr.
but back to the orginal post, I'm sure you will be fine tomorow becayse you don't have a psycho dentist like mine O0