Dental Dental


New Born Pup
Oct 4, 2020
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Good morning, I'm really after some advice please regarding my 3yr old pig geoff . Geoff stopped eating and drinking his weight went from 1100g to 900g . I did give critical care and got his weight back up to his normal weight . I visited a vet last wednesday who diagnosed that his back molar had grown across ways and had him straight in for surgery
He thankfully survived the GA and came home later the same day. I was told to carry on critical care but only small amounts so not to feed him up to much so he would eat which I did . However he is still not eating and wont use his water bottle .. wont touch hay, pellets . The only thing I have managed to get him to eat is the soft flesh part of cucumber and even that he seems to struggle with.. any ideas please ?
A piggy who can eat hay, will eat hay even if they are being syringe fed. It is then when their daily weigh maintains/gains through them eating hay that you then reduce syringe feeding - you don’t reduce syringe feeding to get them to eat more hay, particularly when you can see your piggy isn’t eating hay - this could result in too low of a food intake and further problems. As you say he isn’t eating hay, so he needs to be syringe fed around the clock to make up for the lack of hay intake and have his weight monitored daily (any reduction in weight means he isn’t being syringe fed enough and it Must be increased to stabilise the weight). Eating cucumber provides no nutrition and veg in any event only makes up 15% of the daily food intake and pellets only 5%.

are you weighing him daily? what is happening with his weight?

is he on any pain relief?

Unfortunately a bad dental can make things worse and vets arent really trained in guinea pig dentals. The only vet in the Uk who really knows his stuff is Simon at cat and rabbit clinic in Northampton.
You don’t need a referral just give them a call, luckily you are not that far from Northampton. Owners travel from all over the country to seek their amazing expertise, Simon and Kim both do conscious dentals and have all the equipment to look deep inside of the mouth and will file back any dental spurs on the first visit there and then, definitely worth the journey. Hope you can get Geoff sorted x
Cat and Rabbit Care Clinic | Northlands Vets