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Dental surgery did not help


New Born Pup
Jul 25, 2024
Reaction score
Prince George, Canada
It’s been 15 days since my piggy had dental surgery, also found an abscess on the inner cheek, Simon, my male 3 year old refuses to eat, he’s still on antibiotics anti inflammatory medication but I’m worried about giving him more antibiotics since he’s been on them for over two weeks, there was an odour in his mouth obviously from the abscess but that odour is now gone. He still will not eat on his own :( and the last couple days he’s adamantly refusing critical care as well). We’ve been feeding him critical care now for 3-4 weeks with a bit of his regular food blended into a mush. I’m getting so scared and I don’t know what to do next. He’s still peeing and pooping so that’s a good thing. Help please??
Is he taking Hay? Try softer hay grass mix and soak it a bit in water so nice and soft. See if that helps, and i would do a vet visit perhaps there is still infection in mouth and its sore so soft hay may help. The antibiotics can upset tummy, if you have a healthy piggie try critical care with poop soup it may help. But i would be heading back to vet to see if something else is not causing mouth issues. Veggies romaine in strips may entice him. Mine had abscess after dental surgery but under cheek which made it difficult to eat but outside and the drainage omg yuck. so inside he likely can only taste the ick. it is so stinky
It’s been 15 days since my piggy had dental surgery, also found an abscess on the inner cheek, Simon, my male 3 year old refuses to eat, he’s still on antibiotics anti inflammatory medication but I’m worried about giving him more antibiotics since he’s been on them for over two weeks, there was an odour in his mouth obviously from the abscess but that odour is now gone. He still will not eat on his own :( and the last couple days he’s adamantly refusing critical care as well). We’ve been feeding him critical care now for 3-4 weeks with a bit of his regular food blended into a mush. I’m getting so scared and I don’t know what to do next. He’s still peeing and pooping so that’s a good thing. Help please?


Please speak to your vet again before you stop the antibiotics. Abscesses can come back if even the tiniest fleck of infection is left in one of the pouches and not drained out as they heal from the inside out; worse and more ferociously than ever. What antibiotic has your vet prescribed?

Between a dental not being quite perfect (that takes a lot of experience) and the antibiotic impacting on the gut microbiome as much as on the abscess, it can cause total loss of appetite. :(
I’m so sorry your piggy is poorly. I have had a piggy with a tooth root abscess. There is a very good antibiotic called Zithromax. My piggy had a 6 week course of it. Simon will also need a good amount of pain killers too. I had to syringe feed Pepper for 8 weeks. I thought he was never going to eat for himself again. But he did eventually.

Did the vet drain the abscess or are they hoping antibiotics alone will clear it?