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Dental problems for Russell :(


Forum Donator 2024/25
Jul 29, 2017
Reaction score
mansfield UK
I noticed last night that Russell wasn't eating his veg and not much hay but put it down to the fact that I had to add powdered meds to the veg. I offered him a plain lettuce leaf this morning but he was struggling to eat it and gave up in the end. I have looked at his teeth and to my horror saw the bottom 2 were very large and I cannot see the top ones. I rang my guinea pig savvy vet to be told that she will not be at the practice until the end of August. They gave me an alternative to ring which is the Northampton practice but I said I believe they only take referrals.
I am going to have to take him to a local 'franchise' but I do not have complete faith with that option as my rb rabbit had dental treatment by anaesthesia and passed away a few hours later. Poor Russell - what an awful decision to have to make
I’m sorry that Russell is displaying dental problems 😞 I’m not sure whether the cat and rabbit care clinic in Northampton are taking on new clients but you shouldn’t need a referral. I’d give them a ring and ask x
Oh poor Russell. And poor you - what a shock. I would definitely call C&R and see what the situation is.
Oh poor Russell, we just took pepper to the C&R I just called and registered him didn’t need a referal, thankfully peppers teeth were fine after his dental at our local vets. I don’t think they are able to offer conscious dental work at the moment though, when Kim took pepper to check his teeth she said I’ll have a look but I can’t do anything conscious anymore 😞
Thats not what I wanted to hear :cen: If Russell is going to have on-going dental problems I need to cry
My boys eat Oxbow hay all day long. I was told hay help with keeping healthy teeth because their teeth grow continuously.
After the vet visit for his teeth, I would give him loads of hay to see if he will munch on it.
Oh no I'm so sorry! I wonder if the top teeth have broken somehow so the bottom ones have overgrown? Poor boy he's been through the wars 😭
Northampton are amazing if you can get him in there. Please let me know how he gets on, I'm so sorry this is happening (I promise his teeth were fine whnehe left!)
So sorry to read this, poor lad. You don’t need a referral for the Cat and Rabbit. Ring them up, register him (and all your others) Ask for the soonest appointment it will probably be a few weeks time, take it, if you get in sooner you can always cancel it. They are always very busy but then you can ring for an emergency appointment at 8.00 am prompt. You should get one that day, they keep a few back for emergencies but they go very quickly, make sure you ask for Simon or Kim, ring at 8.00 am prompt
I've just got back from the vet appt and I am in shock! Russell has lost his 2 top front teeth and so the bottom2 have grown upwards and have been touching his gums when he tries to eat. Poor little chap :( These have been trimmed in the hope that the top set grows back and meets the others in the middle. Fingers crossed for him
Oh poor little fella, hopefully they will grow back and once they start to wear against the bottom 9nes even thing will even out and there won’t be any further problems 🤞