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Dental issues


New Born Pup
Nov 10, 2023
Reaction score
Hello All,

I'm new here, my name is Rosie and I have 5 piggies. I have 4 girls and one boy neutered. I recently took one of the girls ages about 3/4 to the vets as her teeth were wearing at an angle. Today she has been in for dental surgery for the molars. The surgeon has called me afterwards saying that she has an abscess on her incisor. She is going on antibiotic's and pain killers for the abscess and they are going to review it in about a week. There is a possibility that the tooth may have to be removed as well as to corresponding tooth.

Has anyone had any experience of this and the tooth recovering or the tooth having to be removed?
Will the piggie be able to cope with only 2 teeth and will the incisors grow back?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is my first piggie with dental issues.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Rosie & Heir
Hello and welcome. My late Ella had an incisor removed due to having cancer in her jaw. The vet removed the root as well as the incisor so it could never grow back and she lived a happy few months with no problems. If your vet doesn’t remove the root, the incisor will grow back again. Sadly, Ella’s story didn’t have a happy ending as she had a cancerous growth in her jaw so a totally different illness to your girl but as to your question, she coped very well with 3 teeth. It didn’t happen with Ella but the opposing tooth may need to be burred periodically if it overgrows but you have to play it by ear

@furryfriends (TEAS) has had piggies at her special needs sanctuary with only 1 or 2 incisors and they’ve coped well too. She also has a lot of experience with dental abscesses x
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Hello and welcome to the forum. I’m so sorry your piggy is unwell.

The exact same thing happened to my piggy Pepper last year. Here is the thread.

Dental? Pepper is off to the vets tomorrow

It is a long read but it covers so much. There is so much information in it that I’m sure you will find it invaluable.

Have they marsupialised the abscess? Or left it closed? What antibiotics have been prescribed? Zithromax is an amazing antibiotic for abscesses. Also they will need pain medication. Please feel free to ask any questions. It was a long road with Pepper but I’m pleased to say he’s absolutely fine now. Good luck.