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Dental Issue, Front Teeth

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
Atherton, UK
I don't know how long this has been going on as I can't really handle her well and I didn't notice at first as she is still eating pellets, veg and hay normally but tonight I thought one of my pigs teeth looked funny at first glance. I grabbed her out and there is indeed a problem. The major issue is that this pig hates being handled and squirms so much (she is a year and a half old so it is not because she is not tame). I did manage to get a look and also get the other half to get a picture (it is the best we can get), but could try again if necessary.
So the problem is with her front teeth and only one of them. I don't know if either one has snapped off or if one is growing too much. I know if the one has snapped off then it will grow back eventually. But if it is the other way I assume we need to see a vet to get it trimmed.
Is it only Simon who will do a conscious dental? Or will other vets do conscious dental on the front teeth?

Can anyone advise with this as I am really worried and as it is dental I need to get it sorted Asap.
There are other vets who do conscious dentals but Simon is very experienced and people travel from all over the country to see him. Snapped incisors do grow back but you need to be sure nothing is happening at the back.
Our vet does concious dentals on incisors, I assume a lot do. Its more the back ones that are harder while awake. Some piggies are too wriggly even to have a look at the back ones while awake, let alone burr them down! Worth gettung the back ones checked just in case.
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