Mad Piggy Lady
Junior Guinea Pig

So, a while ago I found a poor lonely little piggy shivering, all on her own at the back of a pet shop. She is a beautiful silver fox piggy. I couldn't leave her, and so that is how I came to be Myrtle's mum!

After leaving her a while to settle in, I tried to introduce her to a pair of sows - but they are a very tight pair, and although Betty wanted to mother her, Winnie took an instant dislike, would not let Betty and Myrtle get within 5 inches of each other. She was relentless.
So I got Myrtle her own crew. 2 little babies.
They have been together for 3 days, and all is going well so far - but Myrtle has turned into a Demon piggy! She completely rules the roost and regularly headbuts one or other of the babies out of her way. I know it is all natural - but she is very tough on them! Little Babs regularly gets a nip on the back of the head if she doesn't move quick enough! No blood has been drawn though and so I am just keeping a close eye on proceedings - but so far, so good....
I think that Myrtle is learning new social skills as she goes - has anyone else found that a piggy that has been previously isolated is slow on the social skills front?