Demon Piggie!

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Mad Piggy Lady

Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 24, 2016
Reaction score
Waterlooville, Hampshire, UK


So, a while ago I found a poor lonely little piggy shivering, all on her own at the back of a pet shop. She is a beautiful silver fox piggy. I couldn't leave her, and so that is how I came to be Myrtle's mum! :roll:

After leaving her a while to settle in, I tried to introduce her to a pair of sows - but they are a very tight pair, and although Betty wanted to mother her, Winnie took an instant dislike, would not let Betty and Myrtle get within 5 inches of each other. She was relentless.

So I got Myrtle her own crew. 2 little babies.

They have been together for 3 days, and all is going well so far - but Myrtle has turned into a Demon piggy! She completely rules the roost and regularly headbuts one or other of the babies out of her way. I know it is all natural - but she is very tough on them! Little Babs regularly gets a nip on the back of the head if she doesn't move quick enough! No blood has been drawn though and so I am just keeping a close eye on proceedings - but so far, so good....

I think that Myrtle is learning new social skills as she goes - has anyone else found that a piggy that has been previously isolated is slow on the social skills front?
I think if pigs have been on their own for a while they can develope some strange habbits as a result...
Hope she wont always be like this.
Fingers crossed that she wont.
Mrytle is gorgeous as are her friends, sounds like she is exerting her dominance over the babies, hopefully this will die down. Keep a close eye on things and make sure they have a house each to go to and of course plenty of space.
Disaster! Babs has got bloat. I took her to the vets this morning. It is touch and go for the poor little mite. She is now away from Myrtle and Margo. Mainly so I can monitor her eating/pooping/weeing.

Keep your fingers crossed for us :(
Oh no, I'm so sorry. I hope she manages to pull through.
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So, a while ago I found a poor lonely little piggy shivering, all on her own at the back of a pet shop. She is a beautiful silver fox piggy. I couldn't leave her, and so that is how I came to be Myrtle's mum! :roll:

After leaving her a while to settle in, I tried to introduce her to a pair of sows - but they are a very tight pair, and although Betty wanted to mother her, Winnie took an instant dislike, would not let Betty and Myrtle get within 5 inches of each other. She was relentless.

So I got Myrtle her own crew. 2 little babies.

They have been together for 3 days, and all is going well so far - but Myrtle has turned into a Demon piggy! She completely rules the roost and regularly headbuts one or other of the babies out of her way. I know it is all natural - but she is very tough on them! Little Babs regularly gets a nip on the back of the head if she doesn't move quick enough! No blood has been drawn though and so I am just keeping a close eye on proceedings - but so far, so good....

I think that Myrtle is learning new social skills as she goes - has anyone else found that a piggy that has been previously isolated is slow on the social skills front?

Myrtle is obviously establishing her dominance as the leader of her group. the behaviour is going to gradually settle down again, but it can last several days to a few weeks.
Sow Behaviour
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
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