Demon is living up to her name!

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furryfriends (TEAS)

Forum Founder
Senior Guinea Pig
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Director at TEAS (East Hunsbury) Northampton
After being so poorly a few weeks ago Demon seems full of life again although she seems to have turned into a bit of a bully! She is driving her cage mates mad! She won't leave any of them alone. She is constantly chasing them round and round the cage! I haven't actually seen her nip any of them but she seems to be frightening them! Its her against four of them! She was doing this on and off all day yesterday although she calmed down in the evening but it seems to have started again! She has always liked to be boss and I am wondering if she is trying to re-establish her position again. After Millie died and while her and Leah were poorly I moved the two of them into another cage. They have been back with the other three for a couple of weeks now though and this only started yesterday.

I've had to take her out for a while and she is sitting here on my lap as good as gold at the moment. Not sure what to do?
id say just leave them to it..

if they need to reestablish their pecking order, so be it. probably looks rougher to you than it actually is.

make sure she doesnt keep them from eating, make sure the others dont have any weightloss re: stress, and check that there isnt actual fighting going on as in blood flowing. and I dont mean a bit of nipping and scratching and a slightly nipped ear.
I mean proper injuries. If thats happening, seperate them - but if not, just leave them to it, and let them sort it for themselves.

just how you would do it when you introduce piggies for the first time.
Much calmer now. :) I put five huge piles of hay in their cage (one for each of them) and they have been munching away! I think they are so full up now they have all lay down! :) It probably did look rougher than it was. Not helped by Clare trying to climb up the bars of the cage to get away from it all. She was clinging onto the bars with her feet about 3 inches above the floor! I thought it was supposed to be boys who were a problem. Mine are all lovely! Happily playing together! Even Zach and Buster who play fight constantly, but never actually touch one funny to watch! :D
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