Debbie - Forum Sponsor Piggy - Tvgpr.

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Anniversary Herd

Anniversary Herd
Jan 25, 2016
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Debbie TVGPR sanctuary permanent resident dental piggy. No, she's not named after Debbie Postles. ;)

Back Story.

Debbie joined TVGPR in October 2015. She is 5.5 years old & should have joined the rescue with her older neutered male companion but unfortunately he passed away a week before she came to us. She was in a state of depression, all fluffed up, not eating & just sitting in the corner of her indoor hutch. Usually we quarantine for 2 weeks when a new piggy arrives but I didn't think she'd last that long so she was put in with a similar aged blind girl, Hope & her mother Faith. This worked a treat & Debbie came out of her shell within 24 hours.

I had been told she had a dental problem & on taking her to our vet it was found that she only had stubs for front bottom teeth so the top teeth were growing like walruses tusks. She had them trimmed & since then has gone back every 4 weeks for the same treatment. This is done while conscious & it is lovely to see her when she gets back to the rescue as she goes for all the foodstuffs that she hasn't been able to eat in the days leading up to the treatment. Nom Nom..

In February this year on one of her regular vet visits a lump was discovered in the nape of her neck & our vet said to keep an eye on it if got bigger. By April it had got bigger & a biopsy was done on it with the result being that it was cancerous but not aggressive. She had a successful op to remove it a few days later & again it was lovely to see her back at the rescue where she popcorned 3 hours after the op. There's been no sign of it returning so it sounds another success.

Debbie will be with us for the rest of her life, a long long time I hope :) x

Here she is with 2 of her friends, from left to right are Faith, Debbie & blind girl, Hope
Faith, Debbie & Hope 2010-10-27.webp

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How lovely. I have a soft spot for agouti girls. How lovely that she has 2 companions and a permanent home with the rescue.
Oh - she's adorable :love: I will look forward to hearing more about her .
and ....
It's great to see the forum has raised enough funds to sponsor another piggy.
what a pretty lady,thanks to forum funds for being able to sponsor a piggie.I hope this continues ! i love the concept.:wub:
Yay, another Sponsor piggy for the forum. Debbie is gorgeous
Fab news about the forum sponsoring yet another piggy! :luv:
I've met her and her buddies a while ago, I couldn't resist a quick chin rub :wub:
@LisaAli A big thankyou from Debbie & me for the £50 donation which will almost pay for her next 6 trips to have her teeth trimmed. It's come at a good time because we have had a lot of vets expenses lately & every donation is really appreciated. Here's a picture of Debbie taken this morning :) xx

Debbie 2016-11-28.webp
:drool: the delicious Debbie. What a cutie, glad the forum has been able to help out
Debbie went to the vets today for Dominika at Jacqui Patersons to trim her teeth which need doing every 4 weeks due to only having stubs for bottom teeth. Here's a video of what took place :) xx

I can't seem to get the video to attach because it is a .mov file so here's a link to it on facebook x

Stewart Holman | Facebook
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