Death of Dad


New Born Pup
Dec 27, 2023
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We are absolutely heartbroken... please be kind. We adopted 2 pigs and one ended up being pregnant. 3 babies were born, 2 girls, one boy.
I separated mom and 2 girls and Dad with the boy at 3 weeks.
This morning Dad passed away from a horrible accident.
We are worried about the baby boy. He is 3 weeks and 2 days old so can't be fixed for a while. What do we do with him? He is all alone now.
Oh no I’m so sorry you’ve lost your piggy. Accidents unfortunately do happen.

The baby boy will be ok as long as he can see, smell and hear his family. Can you put his enclosure right next to the girls? You have to be very careful that he won’t be able to climb back in with them. Boars can be very determined.

I’m really sorry. ❤️
We are absolutely heartbroken... please be kind. We adopted 2 pigs and one ended up being pregnant. 3 babies were born, 2 girls, one boy.
I separated mom and 2 girls and Dad with the boy at 3 weeks.
This morning Dad passed away from a horrible accident.
We are worried about the baby boy. He is 3 weeks and 2 days old so can't be fixed for a while. What do we do with him? He is all alone now.



I am so very sorry for your loss under obviously traumatic circumstances.

Please move your little boy right next to his mother and sisters for company but make sure that he cannot climb/jump over or wiggle through the divider nor just walk through.

You have basically got two options, neither of which is ideal:
- You can have your little boy living next to mum and sisters and have him de-sexed once he is old enough at aroun 4-6 months.
- You could consider adopting an ideally bereaved single adult boar as his 'adoptive dad' and long term buddy.
I have found this recommended good welfare standard rescue in your state, which will rehome only already quarantined, healthy and properly sexed guinea pigs ready for a new home: Guinea Lynx :: US Guinea Pig Rescue and Shelter Organizations
You can fill in your adoption form now but it may take until after the turn of the year for an answer since rescues do usually not adopt out over the holidays (they are going to take enough no longer wanted 'Christmas present pets' in the coming months). However it is a valid alternative.
Rescues (Adoption and Dating), Shops, Breeders or Online? - What to consider when getting guinea pigs
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics (it has got a chapter on baby bonding)

Please give yourself a few days to discuss and think things through. You baby will keep next to family although the first couple of days will be tough.

PS: We have got a Rainbow Bridge section if you find it a comfort as a family to post a tribute to your dad.
Human Bereavement: Grieving, Processing and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children
Thank you both so much! I moved baby boy next to mom and sisters and they have been touching noses through the cage. We will take a few days to think about what to do, either adopting another male or waiting to have baby neutered and then put him with the girls.
Thank you both so much! I moved baby boy next to mom and sisters and they have been touching noses through the cage. We will take a few days to think about what to do, either adopting another male or waiting to have baby neutered and then put him with the girls.

Here is our information guide on all things boar neutering, which you may also find helpful in making your decision: Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths, Facts and Post-op Care
So sorry that you lost dad such a tragic way.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.
It sounds as if you’re trying to do your best for the baby boy and sound like a very caring owner.
Your piggies are lucky to be with you.