Death Of A Piggie

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New Born Pup
Feb 26, 2015
Reaction score
Northwich Cheshire
One of my 9 year old piggies (died in my arms today). Yes I also have over 20 more piggies to look after but is is not made any easier when one dies. I love them all equally but it hurts real bad
I'm afraid the pain of their loss is the price we pay for loving them so much.
So sorry for your loss. As you say, it doesn't matter how many you have left. They are individual personalities and their loss is deeply felt. You have some lovely memories and well done for having a piggy live for so long.
Very sorry for your loss. :soz: Such is the way of piggies, they grab hold of your heart so tightly that letting them go is the MOST difficult and painful thing to do. :bye::soz:
Oh I am so very sorry for your loss. To have spent 9 years with your little one and then to have them taken away is heartbreaking,
Sorry for your loss. Little piggies leave big holes behind. But 9 years is a great innings for a piggy.

I am very sorry for your loss! 9 years is a grand old age, but it doesn't make it any easier after all that time. Every guinea pig has a unique and special bond with you; it doesn't matter how many other piggies you have, have had or will have in the future - they are all one-offs. We have to grieve for each one of them in the measure we have loved them, and it never gets any easier. :(

Was your oldie a boy or a girl? Would you like to tell us a bit more and share some precious memories to help ease your pain?
Perky was a little girl her sister Pinky died 5 years ago. I did try to see if she would have a friend but no she was a loner. Having said that she was always nattering to the others. Loved having cuddles and being groomed even though she had a short coat. Some of mine detest being groomed but heyho you are having it done. I think because she was getting really old my bond became even greater. I have 20 more piggies some rescued some not but every one of them is loved sooo much. whats the old saying when you get an animal you will always incur grief. How true is that
Perky was a little girl her sister Pinky died 5 years ago. I did try to see if she would have a friend but no she was a loner. Having said that she was always nattering to the others. Loved having cuddles and being groomed even though she had a short coat. Some of mine detest being groomed but heyho you are having it done. I think because she was getting really old my bond became even greater. I have 20 more piggies some rescued some not but every one of them is loved sooo much. whats the old saying when you get an animal you will always incur grief. How true is that

It is very true - the unconditional love we share with our pets come with a high price, but our life would be so much emptier without it! Some guinea pigs get under your skin more than others, especially big characters like Perky, who you have given a very happy life, and who obviously has enjoy her snuggles with you and the grooming interaction you have given her. Some dominant girls can become quite particular about ruling their own territory when they get older, but they usually still like the contact with neighbours! :mal:
I'm so sorry for your loss. One of my pigs passed in my arms a couple of months ago and it was heartbreaking. It's the downside of the love we have for them. It sounds as though she had a long life and was loved, although I know that doesn't make it any easier when they go. ((HUGS)) to you.
It is very true - the unconditional love we share with our pets come with a high price, but our life would be so much emptier without it! Some guinea pigs get under your skin more than others, especially big characters like Perky, who you have given a very happy life, and who obviously has enjoy her snuggles with you and the grooming interaction you have given her. Some dominant girls can become quite particular about ruling their own territory when they get older, but they usually still like the contact with neighbours! :mal:
Many thanks for that
I'm so sorry for your loss. One of my pigs passed in my arms a couple of months ago and it was heartbreaking. It's the downside of the love we have for them. It sounds as though she had a long life and was loved, although I know that doesn't make it any easier when they go. ((HUGS)) to you.
Yes I agree I am sure they feel the love for them. Even when I had rescue brought to me now they are all over me like a rash ha
hugs to you ,what a grand ole age for your dear piggy, play well at the bridge little perky.
I am so sorry for the loss of your piggy.

Sleep well little one

RIP Perky
x x
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