New Born Pup
Hello, I had 4 guinea pigs, first one died to heat, and many months later with my 3 remaining guinea pigs, I got a new hutch outside for them, until one day (today/this morning) I woke up to check on them, and I find that 2 guinea pigs have escaped, they escaped through a hole in the grass where i must have misplaced the hutch on top of the hole. I frantically went searching hoping they didnt die as my street contains many stray cats, until i find the bodies of my 2 guinea pigs, I have been grieving their deaths ever since i buried them, however although i may still have a remaining guinea pig, it seems that it has been wounded most likely what happened was all 3 escaped and were attacked but this one managed to get back into the hutch with a wound. I dabbed the wound with a little tissue to remove most of the blood but, I have no idea what to do now, my problems are that I cannot bring them to a vet, but i believe the wound isnt that bad and most likely needs some bandage of some sort. Could somebody please give me some advice, it would be highly appreciated.