Dear Mr. Perri, wash your butt.

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Aug 3, 2011
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Arkansas, USA
Okay so I have 3 boars who at the moment are all housed seperately, but that's going to have to change soon because of my living arangment. I've been putting them together in a play-pen to just get them comfortable with eachother and their fine for a little while and then Perri (my oldest and most rambucuous) does some kind of purring noise? And then WHAM! This horrible smell fills up the room and I'm pretty sure it's coming from him.

Does anybody know what in the world he is doing and why?! I can't take it ewwwww :)>>>
I am not 100% on boars i only have one and he is living happily with 2 females.

However by all accounts more than 2 boars rarely and very rarely will live happily together, so the smell could be marking like territorial behaviour, i dont know if or how GP's can do this but its my theory! As for the accommodation issues, Could you bond 2 and have another lone pig and have 2 separate cages? and maybe get the loan boar a friend?
Trio's rarely work, not unheard of but boars do live better in pairs.
Don't know what Mr. Perri's pong is all about - would research on the net for some insight and see if someone may come up with an answer.
Does seem to tie in with dominance though I'd think.
It is amazing how much undiluted testosterone one small piggy can produce! Boar bonding is best done with open windows! :)>>>

However, you may find that three boars won't make a stable combination unless character constellation is just right. You may even find that not all boars will work as a couple.

How old are your boars?

This is a wardance (also known as rumble strutting). It is the first stage of any dominance display/dispute. This is followed closely by stage 2 which is spraying. That's the awful smell that you're getting. It's actually secreted from the grease gland just above your piggies' rumps and as Wiebke points out, is a testosterone solution. It's pretty strong stuff and they can produce quite a lot of it if need be.

Stage three is usually teeth chattering and/or snorting. This is the sign that a fight is about to break out. The hairs on your piggies' neck will stand on end as they make themselves look bigger and then you will have a quick, violent scrap. If bllod is drawn, you cannot put these piggies together.

As pointed out above. It is difficult to get two boars to bond but three is exceptionally rare. You might want to take Perri out of the equation and try with the other two to see how they get on on their own.

Good luck :)
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