Dealing with hay dust in nose


New Born Pup
Feb 5, 2023
Reaction score
I am wondering what is the preferred way of helping clear hay dust out of my pig's nose. I remember seeing a comment in passing about using a q-tip and coconut oil, and gently rubbing around the edge of her nostrils (but not inside), but have not been able to find the comment.


Backstory, if you so desire:

We recently received a batch of hay from Small Pet Select that was unbelievably dusty. In two years of ordering from them, I've never seen hay like this. I do my best to clear off the dust before giving it to the poogs, but am not as effective as I would like to be. Truffle has started sneezing a few times a day, and is pawing at her nose more than a few times a day.

We have been to the vet recently and she is on medication for a heart issue (diagnosis confirmed by x-ray). This coincided almost perfectly with the arrival of the dusty hay, because things can never be simple. While I understand that heart issues can present like respiratory issues, as can hay dust in the nasal passage, I am near certain that the two issues just exist independently. Certainly the dust is not helping her breathing or heart issues. There is light discharge from her nose when she paws at it. The discharge is white or clear, not green or yellow, and it's never more than a drop or two.

I spend about 12 hours a day with the pigs and am very tuned-in to their behavior. There are no other symptoms that indicate a respiratory issue, so I think clearing out the ol' nose-hole would do her some good.
There is not much you can do to clear it - she needs to sneeze any obstructions out really.
However, if it is that dusty and shaking it out isn’t proving effective then it may be better to replace the hay to eliminate problem