Dealing with grief


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 14, 2023
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Our boy Wilson had to be PTS yesterday. He was so poorly that there was no other choice.
We bought a big pot and planted him under a rose so he can bring new life.
I’m just really struggling with it all and keep bursting into tears.
I know that time will help but it’s so raw.
Grief hurts and your reaction is perfectly normal.
The rawness does ease but grief takes time, it can’t be rushed.
Hearts take time to heal.
Wilson was a much loved piggy. Hold onto the happy memories.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve
I am so sorry to hear of your loss.

Putting a pig to sleep is definitely one of the kindest but toughest things we sometimes have to do for our animals.
Grief isn’t linear, and you are right it is still so raw right now. Allow yourself to grieve and to feel.
People put small animals such as guinea pigs down to not much, but these are our family members, and each owner to guinea pig bond is so different and special.

I also had to put my boy to sleep recently, and he is buried under a flower.
I personally get a lot of peace from looking after the flower, as it’s like I am looking after my boy again.

If you wish to you can post a tribute of your lovely boy in our rainbow bridge section, totally up to you.
Rainbow Bridge Pets
Death, Dying, Terminal Illness; Human Grieving and Bereaved Companions: Information and Support for Owners and Their Children

Take care of yourself x
So sorry you lost your precious Wilson. Jellybaby is also buried in a pot under some flowers and I chat to him often. Someone said to me that grief does not subside smoothly but rather in a series of crashing waves, some which will knock you off your feet. Take the time that you need to grieve x
Everyone on this forum can sympathise and everyone here is so wonderfully supportive. Make sure you come talk to us if you need us

Again so sorry for your loss, sending love 💕
I'm sorry to hear you had to let your piggy go.
The links posted previously have helped me enormously in the past.
Time is an amazing healer, however I've found I don't 'get over' a loss as such, I just learn to live alongside it. It's been 5 years since my first guinea pig died, and it still upsets me at times. It gets a lot easier though.
If you aren't planning on getting another guinea pig, I find that donating your old guinea pig supplies to a rescue or someone in need can really help- in that way your piggy can live on through helping others. 🥰
Really sorry to hear this. I wish I had some advice but unfortunately, we had to let our piggie Clarice go on Wednesday and I am struggling with the grief and guilt too. You did your best for your little one, and that is a difficult and honourable thing to have to do. Be kind to yourself ❤️
I know how you're feeling 100%.

I had to get my 16 year old doggo put to sleep early hours of Saturday morning.

Although we know it's the last act of kindness for them it's still so hard to cone to terms with.

It's so tough. Sending hugs ❤️
I am so sorry you had to help Wilson over the Rainbow Bridge but take heart you made that sad decision so he didn’t suffer. He will have known just how much you cared and loved him, take care, happier times will come x

Popcorn high little Wilson 🌈