New Born Pup
Hi there!
My 5 years old guinea girl has started to squeak continuously even over night so I'm forced to get up and feed her 2-3 times. The real problem is she doesn't like hay and always asks for veggies which I can not give her too much because …you know. so I have to leave a pile of hay in her cage, close the door and ignore her squeaks. But it's not working.
Also I'm desperate to choose safe veggies to feed her in daily bases. Each web suggests a different safe amount of veggies per day. Which one should i trust? PLEASE HELP!
My 5 years old guinea girl has started to squeak continuously even over night so I'm forced to get up and feed her 2-3 times. The real problem is she doesn't like hay and always asks for veggies which I can not give her too much because …you know. so I have to leave a pile of hay in her cage, close the door and ignore her squeaks. But it's not working.
Also I'm desperate to choose safe veggies to feed her in daily bases. Each web suggests a different safe amount of veggies per day. Which one should i trust? PLEASE HELP!