Junior Guinea Pig
It's only just dawned on me that my nervous little Herminone maybe deaf . Shes always been the quietest and most timid of the bunch but after worrying myself sick that she might be depressed I eventually put it down to a personality trait. It only occured to me that there might be something up with her hearing after I kissed her on the nose the other day and she didn't react at ALL. I've done this a million times but I never really thought about it, when I kiss my other 4 the noise of it makes them, well not flinch exactly, but jerk slightly if you know what I mean. And she never reacts to the sound of a rustling bag unlike the rest of the gang who go bonkers!
Does anyone else have any experience with a deaf piggy? Can I do anything to bring her out of her shell?
Heres a picture of her 'cos it's always nice to put a face to a name
Thanks in advance x
Does anyone else have any experience with a deaf piggy? Can I do anything to bring her out of her shell?
Heres a picture of her 'cos it's always nice to put a face to a name
Thanks in advance x