Day 2 of bonding.. how do people think it will turn out?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Liverpool, UK
Hi guys, well we finally have our wonderful Vincent, Leeland has been alone for nearly 3 months and she had really wound down. When they first met it was LOVE. He dove over to her and (despite the awkward seating) they snuggled for 10 minutes. They were moved to a play area to get better aquainted, he showed some dominance, she ignored it.. he .. um.. loved her .. twice and she ignored it.. but then he started rumbling and she starting chattering, he showed her his sides, she yawned.. a lunge here, some chasing there.. and 4 times they had to be broken up from a guineapig ball scrap! Twice with fur pulled!

I was at a foster's home so we called the rescue 'head' Layla and she said that considering they can still manage to spend a fair amount of time in their own personal space, eating and sleeping, she thought that time would tell! I took Vincent with me, unsure what to expect but 110% that I would give him and Leeland the best chance to bond. They bedded in seperate cages overnight.

Today we made up a nice big playpen, for the first 3 hours it was split in two with the food opposite.. They often came up to feed spot each other. Sniff, snort, rumble, run away. They got bored and went for a HUGE sleep. So we took out the divide and I climbed in the middle (must stress there is enough space for everyone to run, jump and not see each other!). Over the course of the day we have still had lunging, yawning on both sides, rumbling, chasing, cornering and heavy snorting. But it's apparent that it is Vincent the newbie who wants to show her his trousers are biggest. Leeland just wants to look abut but be left alone. He will chase, corner and run at her but she will square up to him and be the first to chatter and snort.

The closest we got them was about 3 inches apart sharing hay, but I had to convince her he just wanted a nibble not a fight. She isn't very forgiving.

I have tomorrow off but have to pop out for 3 hours midday.. But I can do this either side tomorrow and all day Tuesday. Wednesday I will only have 3 hours.

There are many stories of tough loves, and I'm still fingers crossed that these two can stop showing off and calm down. Seeing them cuddle yesterday absolutely melted my heart for Leeland, she looked SO happy to finally have a guinea hug. Here's the link so you can see her contented eyes.

hope it works! Clicking the picture took me to the video!

So with all this in mind, does anyone have any success stories of tough love?
It took me about a month of supervised playtime before Diggers and Caramel were fine but I only spent a couple of hours a day pairing them. It can be done but you will proably have to be patient with them. Good luck
Oh my, I am surpised that you are having a tougher time bonding boy and girl than I did bonding my 2 boys. Except for mounting and one boar glue deposit - all perpetrated by the younger on the older boy, no real discord here. I do hope it works out. Mind you the two seemed peaceful enough together on a lap in your video - one appeared to be on the verge of falling asleep while snuggled next to the other.
I think Leeland would be quite happy with Vincent if he just sat still and let her get close. We had the on our chests last night whilst we watched Big Bang Theory and Leeland did snuggle right in, leaning on one side and closing her eyes. Though one small move and they made worry sounds at each other! This morning they were on the feed stations opposite and they were talking to each other in ernest :P I got out some dandelion and they fed quite close together with a few rumbles but they were more exited about dandelion than each other.

More play time tonight and tomorrow (after his first check at the vets :P)

I'm wondering, as he doesnt like carry case/drive time yet, would it be a good opportunity for them to bond if I took them together, or is squishing them so close still a bad idea at this point. Like I say, she's happy if he sits still.. which he will do in the case.. but she is very very used to driving so she will not be so needy as he is and might get frustrated with him... :/ Can't decide.
Sorry, didn't see your reply earlier. How did it go? Did you put both in the carrier? I do that with my 2 whenever one or the other has to go to the vet.
apologies for the late reply. This week has been MANIC. But I have faberoo news about their progress. Saturday was obvisously meet up day - fights, hackles,fur flying, teethyness!. Sunday was similar, Leeland would even yawn at me if she could smell him on me. She didnt like him at all. Monday, the play date consisted of lots of chasing, some chatting yawning and mounting. Tuesday the play date ended up with them sleeping side by side (2 inches apart), sharing food with only minimal squeeling and lap time Leeland buried her face in his tummy. Tuesday afternoon they went together in the new cage which I managed to connect to his cage with some naff ramps. And ever since they can't be parted from each other. They sleep at opposite ends sometimes and they both assert themselves equally but absolutely no scrapping. Only feasting and resting and a popcorn or two from the man.

Couldnt be happier with either of them considering how they both used to get their own ways.

p.s. I'm still using seperate carry cases for the time being, until a bit more time has passed. He tends to freak out and buries himself under the covers. She sits and eats and chills out.. I wouldnt want him to throw her around in a bid to hide and initiate a scrap when their peace times are so fresh!
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