Day 1 1/2 And I Am Sure My Pig Hates Me And Will Never Change

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New Born Pup
Sep 13, 2016
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So I just bought a male Guinea pig and if I am not mistaken it is fairly young judging by its size. I feed and all that but it just stays in its hide spot for ever until it feels it is alone or unnoticed by me (its in my room). I get impatient and sometimes a little angry/frustrated so I force it out of his cage and to be with me but it just freezes up. When I pet its mid and rear section it makes a low squeak kinda sound, to me sounds like it is content but it stops as soon as i stop, also if I make no moves for a while it starts to make a low noise like the latter and it kinda moves around a little and chomps its teeth. I really want my pig to get used to me but its getting frustrating that it will not do anything. PS I bought it from a petsmart (only one in the cage).
It takes time for him to get used to the new place and you. If he is fairly young he must not have been handled by people before. Give him more time, patience and love. He does not hate you :-)
I have had two for 4 months and they don't want anything to do with me. One for 3 months who also doesn't. One for 3 months who likes me and 2 that let me pet them after a few weeks. Depends on the piggy, but give him time. He needs time to get to know you and his new home. Best of luck!
It takes time as their prey instinct is still very strong. I've had my three girls since January and I can only just stroke two on them on their cheeks/shoulders when they are loose if I've got good food. One *hates* being touched on her back, one won't be touched if she's loose (but she's the most comfortable on laps) and one hates being held still.

It's very early days so please try not to get disheartened; time, patience, love and a good snack will win out.
Mine are never going to be lap pigs (though I hold a little hope for my Rey) but I love them for what they are - scaredy pigs!

If you feel able, getting him a friend may help him feel more comfortable - there are some great rescues on the Locator who could 'date' him with other boars so you can be confident of a compatible pair.

For now patience is the order of the day - I know it's hard; I've never had pigs who weren't snuggle pigs before, it's bit a bit of an education!
If you added another piggy, it would definitely help your pig settle in and learn to trust you. Companionship is key in the piggy world. My youngest boy is still a little nervous, but being with the older boars has brought him out of his shell.
Hello Welcome to the forum

Your guinea pig doesn't hat you he is just very very scared right now and needs time to settle into his new loving home he has found,

Guinea pigs are prey animals so more than other types of pet they are nervous at first around humans. Just think how big we are to them and the actions we take to pick them up out of a cage...

First of all it is very early days, so at first you need to give your guinea pig chance to settle into their new surroundings before attempting to get them out , this doesn't mean you can't interact with them though as I will mention below.

First of all make sure he has a hidey house in his cage. He will at some point feel brave enough to come out and explore while you are around - This can take a few days to a week. They will come outside for feeding when nobody is around so leave the veg close to their home. You can after a few days offer some food by hand into their house and hopefully they will take it.
Sitting by the cage and talking quietly to them is another way they will get used to you and the sounds you make. I wouldn't advise getting them out for lap time yet until they are settled.... and when you do make sure you have some nice veg to try and get them to eat on your lap. I know it is tempting to rush things, but starting slowly will build the bond

Have a read of this thread here for lots more details and tips
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?

Any questions please ask, we have all had a scared piggy at some point so can offer helpful advice
Welcome to the forums, it takes time. Just got to keep trying to handle frequently. Get down to their level. Talk softly to your piggy on his/her level. As well as getting a same-sex friend if possible. I got some rescue piggies in march of this year. An they are still skiddish.
it takes a long long time for them to stop being all jumpy & scared! I've had mine for a month & he stays in my room, even now when I do any sudden movements around the room he hides, but it will get better, just because he runs away it doesn't mean he hates you, that's just the way the are. after 2-3 weeks you will start to notice the change, he'll feel safe with you & trust you. Try to get him to know your smell, let him smell your hand & then feed him veggies that makes him trust the smell of your hand. & for me from day 1 whenever I came to my room I talked to him "Hey baby it's me,it's okay" now that a month has passed he knows my voice, when I say it's me he sits relaxed & won't hide or run away.
Guinea pigs are naturally very cautious animals. They are prey animals and have a healthy fear of anything that might be a threat. I've had a lot of rodents over the years and have found that guinea pigs take longer to win over than mice/rats/hamsters I have had over the years. That said, once they decide you're a friend and not a foe, they have wonderful little personalities and are great pets. A new guinea pig who has just been brought home is going to spend most of the time hiding. That's very normal and natural behavior. Give him a few days to settle in. Let him hear you as you go about your business, talk to him, feed him and offer treats, etc., but don't expect him to trust you right away. Personally, once I had given them a few days to settle in, I always take time to hold new pigs once a day. I give them a blanket the hide in/under and just pat them and talk softly to them. They gradually warm up and relax. I also offer treats so that they associate me with something they like. Short sessions once a day will help to build some trust. It does take time- be patient with him!
Hettie is still scared of us and we have had her for over 2 years! She still runs from you when you go to pick her up BUT I just let her enjoy herself being a Guinea Pig! Some Piggies are just more shy than others :)
Hettie is still scared of us and we have had her for over 2 years! She still runs from you when you go to pick her up BUT I just let her enjoy herself being a Guinea Pig! Some Piggies are just more shy than others :)

That's a really hard thing to do! I want my baby to come play with me, it's really hard to just let him be!
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