Craig David
Teenage Guinea Pig
hi guys
i put a post up about this a while back and put a pic up but i cant seem to find it. david had a wart like growth/skin tag on his nose i took him to the vets and the vet said it was too small to do a biopsy on but just to monitor it he said its probably a wart type growth.
anyway the other week it dropped off his nose completely with no trace of it ever being there. However, i noticed yesterday something was growing back and today its sprouted out a bit more yes the 'thing' is growing again!
has anyone ever heard of this its most bizarre. its made me think its not a skin tag though if its dropped off then growing back x
i put a post up about this a while back and put a pic up but i cant seem to find it. david had a wart like growth/skin tag on his nose i took him to the vets and the vet said it was too small to do a biopsy on but just to monitor it he said its probably a wart type growth.
anyway the other week it dropped off his nose completely with no trace of it ever being there. However, i noticed yesterday something was growing back and today its sprouted out a bit more yes the 'thing' is growing again!
has anyone ever heard of this its most bizarre. its made me think its not a skin tag though if its dropped off then growing back x