daughters off school with asthma

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Jan 23, 2006
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she is reading and playing with her Nintendo ds but she is bored her asthma has made her get no sleep for the past 3 nights an she was much too tired for school so shes been kept off for two days now, will be using her nebuliser if she starts again tonight , hubby will have to stay home with her tomorrow as i have app with neuro if she still off , school is much too slap dash with inhalers for me to take chance told them so as well, they said she has to leave it in her locker, crap school and a bitch of a head mistress
That's awful, the time it takes to get it from her locker could mean the difference between life and death in a severe attack :-\
I remember in primary our inhalers had to be kept in the school office and most of the time someone would be in the office and you weren't allowed in until they were out and we didn't take them to P.E or stuff incase we lost them. It would be better if the teachers would let you keep them on their desks or something :-\
dont think they really understand the importance of her inhaler she often needs her nebuliser which the school has'nt got so her asthma nurse told me any peak flow readings 150 or under shes off school and she will deal with the school as she has had others complaining, think she was itching to get involved, we are going on holiday as you know in march bet if i ask for permission to got they now say no as she is off school, tough titty we are going, the school is driving me mad, she leaves next year Josh this july alleluyah,
y said she has to leave it in her locker
OMG! how old is she Michelle? I would have told the teachers where to go if they had made me do that! my PE teachers where like that! you should make a stand lol Hope she feels better soon xx
That is awful! >:( >:( She should always have it with her, such a nasty head - needs a good slapping!

Hope she gets better soon! :-* :-*
shes 11 and very poorly especially at night so she is very tired next day, now Josh has got a cold which means her asthma will drag on , if she is still poorly tomorrow will have to get her to Drs, but i have neuro app so hubby will have to cancel a pupil to do it, the head mistress is a complete cow so is the deputy she is known as shitty shenton, the head came from London and trys to follow their guidelines which in a place like the island will not work, we are generally considered 5 years behind the mainlands way, its so true as well, we still have thatched bus stops lol
so all she is doing is getting so many rules at once introduced people dont know whether they are coming or going, so many kids have transferred you would think she would see for herself,
my daughter also has to wear a medic alert bracelet and she banned them , until i along with others pointed out its tough our kids need and will wear them so she said in PE they are to be covered up, again no way they are ment to be seen stupid cow dont you get it MEDIC ALERT its a warning sign and PE is a place accidents can happen and when the bracelet needs to be on show, I grassed her up to my GP and he wrote telling her she was breaking some law or something, so I then brought her a medic alert on a material covered velcro strap, cost me £25 just so she would leave my daughter alone,
I went in to see her last year and told her if my daughters asthma was bad and as the school has no nebuliser then she simply does not go and all the school rules and regulations can swivel, my gp and asthma nurse back me 100%
this is the same school that when Josh hurt his ankle in the morning told him he had 10 minutes with a cold compress then he was to go back to lessons the poor kid crawled home crying at 3pm I rushed him to the drs to find he had torn a ligament and was in severe pain, I went ballistic and told them as far as my kids health comes the school can f off, again my gp was astounded that Josh had been left with no pain relief despite me signing to say he can have paracetamol,
sorry to go on but the school can now do what they want I've got enough evidence to get her reprimanded,
my daughter is also banned from cross country as she cannot take her inhaler with her when she would most need it, the nurse told me of this from ánother pupil/patient,
sorry to go on but as soon as my 2 leave they will be getting a letter telling them the whole sorry mess she has put the school in, there has been so many bad accidents as well since she took over, broken bones, kids knocked out x2 smashed teeth, dislocated shoulder, very bad head injury, etc etc sorry to go on but its my big bone of contentment, >:( >:( >:( >:( basically my kids needs come before her damn schools rules and regulations which she keeps banging on about, do I care about them? do I f..., hell I've had 5 kids this is the first real problem ever
That's it i'm coming over and give that $%$#$%%^ school a whole load of my mouth.
How dare they do that to the kids like wtf that's sooo wrong.
Ooo i don't blame you Michelle, you give it to them. Can you report their behaviour i mean this is just ludicrous!
Thinking of you and the kids, take care, at least you know they'll be cared for at home.
too damn right, the kids have asked me not to make a fuss while they are at school but she is one evil cow her rules are made up I'm sure of it, still having my gp and nurse on sdie will be a great help when I do get her ass kicked ,and would you believe her own daughter of 7 is a little madam she goes to a friends daughters school and she is a little madam always fighting and bullying, a plain nasty family,
one day a while ago I was in the vets waiting room and this man came in all flustered and started talking to the receptionist about having to calm his wife down she had got into an argument with a headmistress at the local middle school and he had to stop her from hitting her , he said he wanted to lump her one as well as she was so condesending to his wife, I said her name and he said clearly another unsatisfied customer,we got talking and swapping moans,

Susie what do you make of all this , as you are primary teacher and this is middle school is it her making the rules up do you think?
That is barbaric. This is the 21st century not Victorian times for goodness sake. What's she going to do next send the little ones up the chimneys to clean them?
If your daughter needs an inhaler then it needs to be with her all the time. What harm does this woman think she will do with it. You can hardly hurt yourself or anyone else with a bl**dy inhaler. >:( >:(
I've read this in disbelief - is it going to take a kid to die before the stupid woman bends the rules >:(

I hope your daughter's feeling better today :)
no shes still off ,up to Drs later for her after my neuro appointment, i think the cow thinks they will get lost or broken she does'nt give my daughter credit for knowing how important a thing an inhaler is, will keep her off all the time she may be poorly at school to be safe, dont really care what the school has to say about it, and we are suppose to phone in every day they are off as well as sending in a letter when they return, I rang monday thats it !
Michelle please I beg you, keep the closest of eyes on her. My boyfriends sister died last night from a severe asthma attack :'( she was 19
OMG. I'm so sorry to hear that skinnylover. My thought and prayers to you all at this horrible time.
Skinnylover - I'm really sorry to hear your news. Such a tragedy.

I have asthma myself, but fortunately it's under good control with inhalers. My mum had it, but died 6 years ago following a chest infection.

Michellemuffin - I know your daughter doesn't want to make a fuss - but lives are at stake here. The headmistress sounds appalling.

The Department for Education and Skills advises that "students who are able to use their inhalers themselves should usually be allowed to carry their inhalers with them". I think that's what your daughter should do. If the school confiscates it or locks it away where it is not readily accessible, then write a letter of complaint to the headmistress. If you have no luck there, write to the chairman of the school's board of governors.

I hope your daughter's feeling better soon.
The school has to follow DfES guidelines. They are the law so the headteacher is talking out of her bum.

Skinnylover I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you
I teach 6 year olds and as an aside have just written our school Asthma policy as part of my management role.

Our policy says that children can either keep inhalers in their own tray (at their desk) or in the teachers stock room - it is up to them and their parents to decide which one they want to do. Generally my kids like having them in my cupboard - think they like going in there to get them as its not somewhere they generally are allowed to go in to! At lunchtimes they can either take them out in their coat pocket or leave them in class - again its up to them and their parents to decide. If they leave them inside a dinner superviser will bring them in for their inhaler if they need them. Same for PE lessons - they can give them to me to take down or leave in class and I'll let them up to get it if needed.

The only rules we do have is that each inhaler has to have the childs name on it (for obvious reasons) and parents have to sign a form to say they give permission for the medication to be administered in school.
OMG skinny lover I am so sorry too many people take asthma as a minor irritant, we know better, I am not prepared to send her back until she is 100% better I am not taking any chances, I have a friend who is a school govoner to the High school she is going to be going to next year, he is going to be looking into it for me, she was asleep most of the afternoon and i did'nt want to wake her so if no better Drs in morning, she hardly gets any sleep at night and looks red eyed and pale skin in other words totally knackered, poor thing,
I am going to be making sure her inhaler are with her at all times and if shes under 150 on her peak flow she wont be going they can send who they want round to me my Drs with me as well as the asthma nurse, so shes going to look pretty dumb to make a fuss, luckly she is ahead of her year so she wont suffer academically,
my neuro has told me i have lower motor neurone lesions either my diabetes has affected them ( doubtful) or its a precursory to MND but as its been getting worse for years fingers crossed its not, but I am disabled in my right arm as its basically only has 10 to 15 % use, never mind it could be worse<
I'm so sorry to hear that Skinnylover.

I hope your daughter is feeling better today Michelle
Very very sorry to hear that Skinny Lover that's such a sad way to go :'(
Too many people just don't realise it's a life threatening thing, only those who've had it or
dealt with it understand.
My sympathies to you, your boyfriend and his family :-*
I had an asthma attck once at school and the PE teacher said that i was just puttin it on because i didnt like the sport and ok i didnt like it but how on gods earth can you fake not being able to breath ? Then when i asked if i could have the key for the changing rooms so i could get my inhaler i was told no because it was 'against policy for students to return until the end of the lesson' so i said ok can you get it for me and they said no! so my friends Charlie n Jemma went to our head of year and he told a lady who was at the time my educational psychologist (i was bullied terribly as well) and the teacher was demoted and got a verbal warning for misconduct or somethin it was like 5 years ago so i dont remember what really happened if i had had a puff of my inhaler then i could have carried on with the sport :S why not jsut let me have it, schools are run horribly! and its always been the way my uncle was asthmatic and his school was so bad that my nan had to send him to a boarding school run for people with chronic conditions and that was in the 70's! nothing changes schools only look at their statistics :( annoys me so much!
People do not realise how life threatening asthma can be, unless they have it themselves or know how it affects someone
you made the right choice, i suffer too with asthma and when i went running in pe at school i had a server asthma attack were i could not breathe and was couthing 2 get my breath back. after only 30 minutes since running, my chest was so tight, i tasted blood in my mouth, and my lungs felt like they were gonna burst. my legs were shaking and i was slowly falling asleep and losing al my energy.i told the teacher who ignored me, and all lesson (50 minutes) i spent gasping for breath while using my school jumper has a pillow. at lunch i lay down because i could no hold my weight and my legs gave in. i couldnt eat or drink and i was getting very little air. . my inhaler failed 3 times. and after lunch with the support of my friends i walked to the heads office, who told me to see how i was in lessons! i went to lesson and came back after (still suported by my friends) were the head showed me a breathing technique which helped abit, and then agen took my inhaler and it started to work. then stormed in my progress manager saying "your making it up, you cant survive school." then said to the head "her attendance is appauling and i do not want this girl going home." by then she'd rang my dad to pick me up. my attacks have got more frequent since then. when this happened i should of been sent to the hopsital. but the teacher made her own medical opion on it.
nothing changes schools only look at their statistics annoys me so much!

the head spouted the rules and regulations to me and got me so mad I said do you really think I give a stuff ( polite word for what I really said) about your damn rules and regs, I dont give a toss but i do care about my childs life and so you can mouth off all you like I will go by my rules and regulations the first being My daughters health comes first she was a little embarrased as it was loud, Carrie anne is still poorly phoned dr and he said to give her more of her medication he did'nt want to get her out in the wind and as he has known her all her life practically, told me what to do, ie medication and nebuliser and also told me to keep home this week,
aww tell her i sed get well soon. asthma is horrible!  >:( it shud be destroyed!
followed by destoryin snotty teachers who think they no more about health than the doctors do
Ack that's stupid. I hope she gets wells soon :( I don't have asthma, but as far as I know my school is okay about people who have it, not too sure though. Basically the head you're talking about thinks she knows better than the doctors?
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