Danger Of Over Petting?

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 17, 2014
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Hi everyone!

Is there a danger of over petting? Like too much lap time? Will something bad happen? I'm just wondering because we handle our piggies a LOT. It's hard to resist! But please tell me if there is a danger of over petting. Thank you!
I dont think there can ever be too much petting. Its a great bonding time for you and the pigs. They will become restless and might squeak when theyve had enough and you have to listen otherwise you will get pooped or weed on or nibbled.
Well I've heard no such thing! I pett my pigs all the time! Okay maybe not too much as I HATE going outside into the shedd :) And like Kerry said they might squeak nibble and become restless when they had enough or need to go to the toilet
Guinea pigs will tell you themselves when they've had enough!
They may become restless, squeak or nibble your clothes to tell you they want to go back- this is usually the time to put them back, or you'll have damp or brown clothes.

Nibbling clothes is usually a sign they want to go to the toilet, they prefer to go back in their cage to do their business.
Just to add to @Chief Guinea Pig post, usually your piggie will also flick it's head back and forth, telling you I've had enough.... :nod:

Yeah my piggie Ginger does this when he's had enough he'll shake his head at me, my others girl will start to nibble my fingers or chew on my clothes, but i think it's important to cuddle them it's makes them less nervous of you and helps create a bond. :)
do other peoples pigs actually let you know when they need to pee and poop? A couple of mine used to but now we always have to have a towel or lap blanket because they just go without any fuss all the time lol
do other peoples pigs actually let you know when they need to pee and poop? A couple of mine used to but now we always have to have a towel or lap blanket because they just go without any fuss all the time lol
Guinea pigs like to do their buisness in private so they are nt disturbed :)
Pixel sometimes lets me know by nibbling my clothes but has recently taken to just reversing and letting loose. Widget has mastered the sneaky wee and Thor is quite the little gentleman and seems to be able to hold it for ages! They will all cuddle up with me for a long time, especially if my dressing gown is involved.
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