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Dandelions & Red Wee!

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Caviesgalore (EPGPR)

Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 1, 2007
Reaction score
I have a beautiful bunny staying with me at the moment who I am looking after for a local vet. Imagine my horror this morning when I picked her up to find an ominous red stain in her hutch :(. Saffy seems fine in herself, is as grumpy as ever ;D ;D (in the nicest possible way) and eating like a horse.

I have just spoken to one of the vets at her owners practice, because I was concerned about the possibility that she is passing blood. I had not given her anything red to eat i.e. tomatoes or red peppers, however, the vet said that dandelions can cause small furries to pass red urine and guess what she's been tucking into on my lawn! Well you learn something new every day! :) and how relieved am I. Anyone else heard of this before?
Do you have newspaper in the bunnies huch? Some times their wee can react with the ink and this turns the paper a red colour.
Newspaper lines the hutch, but she has megazorb on top of that and it was that that was stained. In all my years of caring for buns I've never come across the dandelion/red wee issue before! Just goes to prove you are never too old to learning something new. :)
Its amazing what you can pick up from people on the forum. Imformation that can sometimes save a lot of time, money and worry :)
piglover said:
Yep! Rabbits and piggies always get red wee with dandelions!

I've never had a pig with red pee after eating dandelions, nor has anyone I know, but I have heard of it happen in rabbits before. Would be interested to know why if anyone knows?
daftscotslass said:
piglover said:
Yep! Rabbits and piggies always get red wee with dandelions!

I've never had a pig with red pee after eating dandelions, nor has anyone I know, but I have heard of it happen in rabbits before. Would be interested to know why if anyone knows?

Neither have I Lorna and my piggies love them :). Next time I see my vet I'll try to remember to ask her.
I have had my Ella just over a week now and the first day i got her noticed red wee stains. Nearly died thinking something was majorly wrong. Looked it up on net and buns wee can come in lots of different colours.

God its scarey when you first find it isnt it :o

Going from white piggy wee to bright red bunny wee is a HUGE shock :)
My buns haven't had red wee, but George has scratched his nether regions before which left a bloodstain :o was it definately wee and not a small cut on her paw? A small scratch can leave what looks like a big red stain - I was horrified when I saw George's fleece that time!
Hope she is OK x
It was def wee - far too much for a cut, it would have had to have been a BIG wound (she's a big bun with a huge output ;D). She is going home tomorrow :( so I will make sure Mr Vet knows about the dandelion wee just in case it turns out to be anything more sinister.
morgan had this happen last year i was worried sick! i looked in my guineapiglopaedia and its a word beginning with P i cant remeber what its called nor where my book is! lol

only happened in the first few wee's after she had eaten them, then she went back to normal it looked more pink that bright red blood colour though..
She's a German lop Katie, she's a very beautiful girl, but can be a bit of a diva! I'll see if I can dig out a photo of her. She knows her own mind and growls profusely when the mood takes her, other times she can be a real softy and loves snuggles and cuddles!
Can't get my kodak programme to open at the moment katie, I'll keep trying and try to get some onto photobucket, will probably be tomorrow now - keep watching this space.....!
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